Hi. I'd like to tell you about some features that I'd like to have on the program, and also report a little problem that's driving me mad. It Happens whenever I enable gzip compression.
eggdrop vers. ===> 1.6.21 (installed from AUR)
TCL version ===> 8.5.13 (installed from AUR)
tcl-TRF vers. ===> tcltrf 2.1.4 (installed from AUR)
Code: Select all
[03:02:01] RSS HTTP Error: http://etc.etc.etc.feedlink.rss (State: {invalid command name "zlib"} {invalid command name "zlib"
while executing
"zlib inflate [string range $data $pos end-8]"
(procedure "Gunzip" line 42)
invoked from within
"Gunzip $state(body)"} NONE)
I think this actually means there's no zlib in my system (arch-linux).
BUT that's
NOT the case. I actually have zlib installed - from repositories. Then I thought that, perhaps, the TCL-zlib could be another different thing than the 'zlib' itself. So I tried to install '
tcllib', that contains a zlib library, but nothing changed, no success.
Then I thought: «well that's strange, I also have TCL-TRF that is actually working great and being used by other scripts, and...usually it is used as an alternative to zlib for compression tasks, so: why isn't the program trying to use it instead of stopping with zlib errors?»
I ended up talking with an expert TCL guy... he told me that he couldn't help me much without having access to a more detailed log, and, considering that eggdrop is well-known for its log-suppression policies, I should have ran the script from the shell to get such information. Thing that I cannot to do, because I would need to emulate an eggdrop request to the script, knowing almost nothing about tcl.
ADD: I found out that the package "zlib" is not present in tcl versions < 8.6
This means that there are 2 possible solutions: install tcl8.6 which has zlib integrated, or separately compile and install zlib. I tried
both. 1)With tcl8.6 I had a NEW error about "Invalid Block Lenght" or something like that. 2)Separately compiling and installing zlib keeping my actual tcl version gives a NEW error, too. Here it is:
Code: Select all
RSS HTTP Error: http://feeds.etcetcetcetc (State: {invalid data: checksum mismatch -1794500591 != 3910586362} {invalid data: checksum mismatch -1794500591 != 3910586362
while executing
"Gunzip $state(body)"} NONE)
So.. my help request is all about these last things: XOR how to get a more detailed log, XOR how to fix the problem if you already know how.
Then we come to the proposals:
1 -
It would be nice to group some feeds with a 2nd trigger (or why not, Nth trigger).
I try to explain why: When a guy comes to the channel and wants to know the news from MORE than one source, it would be nice if a "father-trigger" such as
!news could call every feed that is in a preselected group. Instead of the user individually calling every feed with its own trigger.
2 - I like to keep my channel clean. For this reason I set the
"announce-output" option to '
1'. That works great for the feeds that are updated often and with individual entries. But that's not the case for MANY feeds, which, for example, get updated at a precise time of the day, with a whole bunch of entries (20~ on average): in these cases, my channel loses the 90% of the feeds on the automatic-output. What I am trying to propose is a
new feature to
regulate the whole output the way OWNER wants. This means adding 2 options (the 2nd consequent to the other - has no meaning without the 1st being enabled): the first is **
avoid leaving anything not posted automatically** : The second is **
Choose the time-interval you want to leave between every single auto-posting for the feeds that haven't been posted yet**. I hope my point is clear enough.
If you managed to read until this point, I must absolutely thank you for your attention
I wish all you guys a happy new year!