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AllProtection.tcl (Stable: v4.8 / Beta: v4.9b4)

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Post by TRaSH »

but that means a voiced user can flood/caps/whatever the channel,
and i only want to exempt them for cloning.
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Post by Alchera »

You do not want them exempted from every other single channel abuse bar one?

Either use exempt mode 2 (Half-Ops) and turn off clone detection or use mode 3 and leave clone detection on.

As near as I can tell there is no way to achieve what you have requested.

PS: With this script only users that you wish to give party line access to need be added to the bot.
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Post by Domin »

excempts in the clone scanner can be addet manualy if you edit the script, i did it and it works fine, it does however mean that you have to add each and everyone of the users you wish to exempt from the clone scanner manualy.

Search for this line in the config file:

Code: Select all

# Random drones: What masks to exempt?
set drone(exempt) { "*example1*!*@*" "*!*example2*@*" "*!*" }
Look at page 23 in this tread there i ask the question about the clone scanner and Opposing tels that he forgot to implement the add function for it, so right now the only way to add execpts to clone scanner is to add them by eding the config.
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AllProtection4.5 : fail to stop join/part flood with partmsg

Post by Zircon »

Hello all

This is my first time here. I have a channel registred on Undernet with X, and i recently installed an eggdrop v1.6.17 to protect my channel against mass join/part flood. I use AllProtection 4.5. Yesterday, my channel was victim of join/flood part, and my bot didn't react as he was supposed to do. All the values of AP variable were at defaults except few ones that i changed :
ap:repeatc: 50
ap:limit: 0
ap:revdoor: 1
ap:clones: 4

By saying the bot didn't react good, i mean, the revdoor/brevdoor protection didn't work, the partmsg flood protection didnt work, and even when the bot attempted to put a ban, it didn't work. So i ended to have 53 join/part flood, ( 53 join and 53 part) from 17 hosts :(

here are some examples :

Example 1 : after the first 4 revdoor, the bot said : "AP: Locked #culture due to botnet part msg flood.", but it took no action against it.

Example 2 : after the first 10 revdoor, and the 3rd revdoor from this same host, the bot said : "JOIN flood from! Banning", but it took no action against it.

[15:34] gpghpxy ( joined #culture.
[15:34] gpghpxy ( left #culture (Jh0N-T`(!)`Gr0uP`'.`.''EaStErN`(!)`RuLeZ`'.`.''Jh0N-T`(!)`gR0uP`'.`.''EaStErN`(!)`RuLeZ`'.`.''Jh0n-T`(!)`Gr0uP`'.`.''EaStErN`(!)`RuLeZ`'.`.''Jh0N-T`(!)`gRouP'.`.'eAsTeRn`(!)`ruLeZ`'.`.''Jh0N-T`(!)`Gr0uP`'.`.''EaStErN`(!)`Set

[15:34] JOIN flood from! Banning.

[15:34] muiqtier ( joined #culture.
[15:34] muiqtier ( left #culture (Jh0N-T`(!)`Gr0uP`'.`.''EaStErN`(!)`RuLeZ`'.`.''Jh0N-T`(!)`gR0uP`'.`.''EaStErN`(!)`RuLeZ`'.`.''Jh0n-T`(!)`Gr0uP`'.`.''EaStErN`(!)`RuLeZ`'.`.''Jh0N-T`(!)`gRouP'.`.'eAsTeRn`(!)`ruLeZ`'.`.''Jh0N-T`(!)`Gr0uP`'.`.''EaStErN`(!)`Set By XDiablesse)

also if u remarked, the part msg have 250 caracters, but the bot didnt ban, he was supposed to do coz the limit is 180.

Another thing weird, is when i did the command ".bans all" after the end of that attack, the bot says that it puts the some of the bans, which is completely false, a friend of mine was there and he did. The bot tried to make the ban it didnt suceed. Here is an example :

mode change '+b *!*' by B|GWAVE

and .bans all give :
[ 7] *!* (expires at 18:34) Zircona: join flood Created 15:34

so these following bans werent made by the bot even if it says so, actually the bot said "Join Flood @host.domain Banning", but it didnt put the ban, my friend B|GWAVE does :

[ 1] *!* (expires at 18:34) Zircona: join flood Created 15:34
[ 2] *!*@ (expires at 18:34) Zircona: join flood Created 15:34
[ 3] *!* (expires at 18:34) Zircona: join flood Created 15:34
[ 4] *!*@ (expires at 18:34) Zircona: join flood Created 15:34
[ 5] *!*@ (expires at 18:34) Zircona: join flood Created 15:34
[ 6] *!* (expires at 18:34) Zircona: join flood Created 15:34
[ 7] *!* (expires at 18:34)Zircona: join flood Created 15:34

At the end of the attack, the bot made the following bans even if there is : *, means "not placed by bot" :

* [ 8] *!* (Zircona) (active 04:32)
* [ 13] *!*@ (Zircona) (active 04:11)
* [ 17] *!* (Zircona) (active 03:39)
* [ 18] *!*@ (Zircona) (active 02:39)
* [ 19] *!* (Zircona) (active 02:22)

Hope u have all the informations u need to have a clear idea.

i sent the details of this attack to sir_Fz. Can some1 help me with this and tell me why it didnt work ? or what wrong thing i did maybe. Is it a bug ?

Hope this is the place to post such things.

Thanks in advance.
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Post by Alchera »

You have the settings wrong.

Code: Select all

ap:repeatc: {25 15 w:k:kb 2}
ap:revdoor: {30 15 3}
ap:clones: {0 30 kb 2}
.chanset #channel ap:repeatc <number-of-letters> <btime> <pmeth> <btype>
.chanset #channel ap:revdoor <seconds> <btime> <btype>
.chanset #channel ap:clones <clones-number> <btime> <pmeth> <btype>
Punishment method (pmeth):
w : Warn offender
k : Kick offender
kb : Kick + Ban offender
Ban type (btype):
0 : *!
1 : *!*
2 : *!*
3 : *!*user@*.host.tld
4 : *!*@*.host.tld
5 : nick!
6 : nick!*
7 : nick!*
8 : nick!*user@*.host.tld
9 : nick!*@*.host.tld
You need to reset your channel to the defaults and very carefully read all the instructions/settings in the script.

Code: Select all

.ap:reset #chan
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Post by Zircon »

Hello Alchera

Thanks for the answer. But as i said, i use allprotection 4.5, not 4.6, so i guess i have the right settings with 4.5, almost all of them are set to defaults, except the ones i mentionned.. I ll use 4.6 when it will be fully tested and added to
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Post by Alchera »

You'd be wise to upgrade to the latest script. The only "bugs" so far appear to be those users that do not read the configuration information.

Sir_Fz will be unavailable until further notice due to the current security problems in the Middle East. So do not expect support for 4.5 any time soon.
... i guess i have the right settings
Not a statement of confidence! I reiterate that you should reset to the defaults and read the configuration information within the script carefully (which no one ever does).

Check your channel settings also as a full banlist will stop anything from working.

Code: Select all

.chanset #chan +dynamicbans
# Set here the maximum number of bans you want the bot to set on a channel.
# Eggdrop will not place any more bans if this limit is reached. Undernet
# currently allows 45 bans, IRCnet allows 30, EFnet allows 100, and DALnet
# allows 100.
set max-bans 30
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Post by dhp1080 »

I'm having an issue with botnet protection. I don't know what exactly is wrong (hoping for maybe a way to set a higher log level).

I have a pseudo-botnet (about 30 users) for testing out my spamserv. I have them all join the channel, joining all within about 2 seconds. My services nicely react to this problem, but the script doesn't play it's role in setting channel modes and informing that the channel has been locked.

This might be some configuration issue, but I figure it'd be beneficial to ask some people who might know more than I do.

Code: Select all

ap:massjoin: {6:3 Mr 4}
I don't have any ignores that would effect the said botnet, but yet I still see no action on the part of the script. Any input would be appreciated.
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Post by Zircon »

Hello Alchera

i should say "i m sure the settings are right" instead of "i guess settings are right". I read carefully every line of the configuration information within the script. I m the kind of person that read the manual before switching on a new tv.....The settings are perfect.
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Post by Alchera »

@ Zircon:

Would I be correct in assuming you managed to contact Opposing on IRC and that he suggested an upgrade of your eggdrop (1.6.18) and the script?

If so, I suggest you do as (as Opposing already stated) there are no major "bugs" reported to date.

I use the script extensively and have so far only found two minor "quirks" (as posted) which are of no consequence as neither disrupts the correct functioning of the script (v4.6b5).

I reiterate what I have previously posted in that a full channel ban list will prevent any ban being set (by anyone) although every indication is that a ban has been correctly set by the user.
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Post by Zircon »

Hello Alchera

That s right, i contacted Opposing yesterday, on IRC. He suggested me to upgrade to 4.6, althought he said nothing about upgrading the eggdrop, but i think he wasn't knowing that my bot is v1.6.17

Concerning the size of the banlist, the setting in the channel is +dynamicbans, and the banlist was totally empty before the attack.

Is there a major change between 1.6.17 and 1.6.18 ?
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Post by Alchera »

Zircon wrote:Is there a major change between 1.6.17 and 1.6.18 ?
You can view the list of changes here.

A major fix over 1.6.17 is a bug in the channel file caused by "excessive" .chanset commands i.e. All Protection.
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Post by Domin »

I wouldt also suggest upgrading to .18 since i remember Opposing writing in this tread that the script runs best on that version, and in case of any problems try upgrading before reporting bugs :wink:
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Post by Zircon »

Hello Alchera, Domin

Thanks for ur advices, i ll try to follow ur suggestions, and upgrade. I ll try to make some tests, and i ll give u a feedback whenever it's done.

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Post by dhp1080 »

I've been using this script for awhile now, and it functions nearly flawlessly for what it's designed to do. I was only wondering about 2 things.

1) Why is the ban for the user set after the kick? I'm sure that having the user not know the banned mask is great, but banning first stops the user from sending messages faster.

2) Is there any simple way to completely stop the script from limiting the rate at which it sends commands? My bot is opered and was compiled to have a 0 wait time in sending messages (per another forum thread).

Any help is appreciated as always.
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