Short ChangeLog:
- Updated parser, more accurate (i hope).
- Gzip support now uses the Trf package.
- Added the option to select the order in which new articles are announced.
- Multiple lined output.
- Improved article checking so it shouldnt announce dupes if the most recent article on the feed was deleted (or buried ala digg).
and quite a bit more i forgot
proc tinyurl {url} {
set post_data [::http::formatQuery "url" $url "submit" "Make TinyURL!"]
# since this connection is synchronous and blocks, the timeout should be relatively small.
set token [::http::geturl "" -query $post_data -timeout 5000]
set data [::http::data $token]
regexp -nocase -- {characters:.*?<blockquote><b>(.*?)</b><p>} $data -> url
return $url
Also there is currently a bug in beta 2, triggers typed in channel are only able to notice or privmsg the channel, not the user that typed the trigger. This will be fixed asap.
I dont plan on adding any tinyurl intergration, but it really wouldnt be to hard to do with your own custom function and the evaluate-tcl option.
I already did that in my script a long time ago
And what about listing all possible feed names for the current chan when someone types !rss without parameter ? (I also did that for my private use, but it would be useful for other people as well).
that would make the title red (04), if your using mIRC press Ctrl+K to check the numbers that relate to each colour. Also make sure the colour part is always 2 digits long, eg: 04 not 4.
Im getting this error from the output: "Your client is not configured for gzip compression" which is required by
So I installed the trf package you specified, and the documentation is very poor for trf, so i was wondering what steps can I take to ensure the package is working correctly?