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AllProtection.tcl (Stable: v4.8 / Beta: v4.9b4)

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error report

Post by comik »

hi mr opposing,
i tried your allprotection.tcl but my bot report errors :
<(ce_juteqz> [17:27] Tcl error [btext:chars]: can't read "o": no such variable
<(ce_juteqz> [17:27] Tcl error [btext:line]: can't read "o": no such variable
<(ce_juteqz> [17:27] Tcl error [repeat:kick]: can't read "o": no such variable
<(ce_juteqz> [17:27] Tcl error [caps:kick]: can't read "p": no such variable
<(ce_juteqz> [17:27] Tcl error [text:char]: can't read "o": no such variable
<(ce_juteqz> [17:27] Tcl error [text:line]: can't read "o": no such variable
<(ce_juteqz> [17:27] Tcl error [btext:chars]: can't read "o": no such variable

what are the problems? thanks alot. :D
newbie here
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Post by Sir_Fz »

You have invalid flood-settings, download a fresh copy and use the same template for settings (i.e. <offences>:<seconds>). Or you can try the new (beta) version 4.6b7.
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Post by silverboy »

*** shinko sets mode: +bbbbbb *!* *!*@ *!*@ *!*@ *!* *!*
<Silver-> its fast
*** shinko sets mode: +bbbb *!* *!* *!* *!*
<lords> later
*** shinko sets mode: +bbbbb *!*@ *!* *!* *!* *!*
*** ¢ PING sent to shinko
*** shinko sets mode: +bbbbbb *!*@ *!* *!*@ *!*@ *!* *!*@
<lords> kobaa x ban
*** shinko sets mode: +bb *!* *!*
<Silver-> after chan banlist get full
*** shinko sets mode: +m

it set +m only after the floods why so?

<(shinko> [09:57] AP: Locked #born2rule due to Botnet revolving door flood.
<(shinko> [09:57] AP: Locked #born2rule due to Botnet revolving door flood.
<(shinko> [09:57] AP: Locked #born2rule due to Botnet revolving door flood.
<(shinko> [09:57] AP: Locked #born2rule due to Botnet join flood.

<(shinko> ap:brevdoor: {3:7 mr 60}

mode is +mr but it set +m , am i doin anythin wrong here?
proxyz..proxyz...i see everywher... O_o
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Post by Sir_Fz »

What are your settings?
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Post by silverboy »

<(shinko> ap:btextl: {15:7 mR-k lines.flood 60}
<(shinko> ap:btextc: {550:3 mR-k chars.flood 60}
<(shinko> ap:bnotcl: {4:2 mR-k lines.flood 60}
<(shinko> ap:bnotcc: {500:3 mR-k chars.flood 60}
<(shinko> ap:bctcp: {4:60 mR-k ctcp.flood 60}
<(shinko> ap:massjoin: {9:3 m 60}
<(shinko> ap:brevdoor: {3:7 mr 60}
<(shinko> ap:bpartmsg: {4:5 r 60}
<(shinko> ap:bnickf: {5:30 mR-k nick.flood 60}
<(shinko> ap:bcodes: {25:3 mr 60}
proxyz..proxyz...i see everywher... O_o
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Post by Sir_Fz »

I would assume that it's setting +m because that's the mode-lock for botnet join floods. I find it illogical for the script to putlog multiple botnet flood detections because that's NOT how the script is designed to work (this should never happen) unless someone is immediately removing the +m/r modes which immediately causes the protection to reset and detect again.
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Post by silverboy »

well nobody removed -m or -r. and it shud set +m on mass join right, but that was a BOTNET REVOLVING FLOOD RIGHT?.. so its supposed to +mr according to the settings but it did not?

one more Q...

# Your service's chanserv nick.
# example: set serv(nick) "ChanServ" or "PRIVMSG"
set serv(nick) "ChanServ"

do i need to give "X"

or "PRIVMSG" for bot to ban via X?
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Post by Sir_Fz »

This setting is for using X (or whatever services) to deop users (for mass ban/kick/deop protections) and it should be edited accordingly to what is supported by your network. I guess /X is an invalid command on undernet and the write command is /msg .. so the correct setting would be "PRIVMSG" as for banning through X, edit the banthruX settings.
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Post by Domin »

Sir_Fz perhaps you shouldt include the slap protection script in this pack, it wouldt be a nice feature if one couldt set the functions like 2 slaps in a row = warn, 3 = kick 4 = ban and so on like all the other things the script does :-)
Domin @ efnet
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Post by Sir_Fz »

You mean I should :P we'll see, I guess it's worth it...
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Post by Domin »

Hehe yupp that was what i ment :-)
I wouldt love it, since i have a bunch of people that think its funny to continius slap each other, so it wouldt be a nice way of keeping it a bit down 8)
Domin @ efnet
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Post by samhain »

I recently used this tcl and I find it the best script I've ever used for my eggdrops... It was working fine months ago when I used the X ban option but now when I downloaded this script it doesn't work like that and it gives some errors
for example:
((d1fferent): [10:31] AP: Locked #karachidesk due to Botnet text (chars) flood.
((d1fferent): [10:32] #karachidesk: mode change '+r ' by d1fferent!
((d1fferent): [10:32] Channel flood from asdasdasg -- kicking
((d1fferent): [10:32] #karachidesk: mode change '+l 24' by d1fferent!
((d1fferent): [10:32] -X ( Invalid ban duration. Your ban duration can be a maximum of 2400 hours.
((d1fferent): [10:32] asdasdasg kicked from #karachidesk by d1fferent: flood
((d1fferent): [10:32] -X ( Invalid ban duration. Your ban duration can be a maximum of 2400 hours.
everything in the script was fine but I didn't know whats wrong in there

download my configured script and have a look at it
its at ... n4.6b7.tcl
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Perhaps you have a very high number for ban times set in your channel settings which exceed X's ban time limits?

Remember that ban-times are in minutes, AllProtection converts them to hours when banning through X.
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Post by samhain »

sir I have set %bantime to 1 for every protection feature.. it means the ban hour is 1 for every ban?
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Post by Sir_Fz »

1 means 1 minute, but that should not be a problem since the bot will send 0 as a ban-time (should cause no errors on X as I recall). If you want a 1-hour-ban then use 60.

Edit: If you meant that you replaced %bantime with 1 in the banthruX(cmd) variable, then this means that the bot will always send 1 (1 hour) as ban time for ALL offences. I recommend not to change this, you won't have control over the ban time if you limit it to 1 here.
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