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AllProtection.tcl (Stable: v4.8 / Beta: v4.9b4)

Support & discussion of released scripts, and announcements of new releases.
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Post by [JoNi] »

Allprotection4.b7 gives me an error.

Tcl error [::AllProtection::pubms adv]: can't read "offenders": no such variable
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Post by Sir_Fz »

I guess I should upload my edited version of the script which has all these little bugs fixed. However for a fast fix, read my 11th post here.
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Post by [JoNi] »

Sir_Fz wrote:I guess I should upload my edited version of the script which has all these little bugs fixed. However for a fast fix, read my 11th post here.
thanks :D
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Post by Aut0Cr0ss »

when The Anti-spam bot detect an spammer. Bot just ban the spammer ip.

what about making it kickban the spammer!
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Post by Zircon »

Aut0Cr0ss wrote:when The Anti-spam bot detect an spammer. Bot just ban the spammer ip.

what about making it kickban the spammer!
It does kickban them if they are in the channel.
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Post by Aut0Cr0ss »

It does kickban them if they are in the channel.
they are. but it just ban the ip.
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Aut0Cr0ss wrote:
It does kickban them if they are in the channel.
they are. but it just ban the ip.
If you have kb in your punishment method, then it kick-bans the spammer (if it's not in the channel then the bot only bans its IP).
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Post by Zircon »

they are. but it just ban the ip.
I think it s becoz u have in your settings for ap:adv, u have the punishment type "b" which is Ban, instead of "kb" which is KickBan

Try this in the paryline, i think it s gonna work :
.chanset #channel ap:adv + ban-time kb ban-type

Of course, u specify ur own #channel, ban-time and ban-type.
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Post by Aut0Cr0ss »

If you have kb in your punishment method, then it kick-bans the spammer (if it's not in the channel then the bot only bans its IP).
I left it as default.

lappend ap:udefs {ap:adv "+ 180 kb 2"}
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Post by Sir_Fz »

It doesn't matter what you have in the script, what matters is the channel-setting (see .chaninfo #channel).
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Post by Hesham »

using Eggdrop v1.6.18
using allfloodprotection4.6b7

had this error!

Code: Select all

(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv> [00:19] Creating ap:bcodes (type 3)
(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv> [00:19] Tcl error in file 'eggdrop.conf':
(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv> [00:19] wrong # args: should be "regsub ?switches? exp string subSpec varName"
(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv>     while executing
(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv> "regsub -all {\s{1,}} $apbc " ""
(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv>     (procedure "sv" line 9)
(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv>     invoked from within
(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv> "sv"
(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv>     (procedure "rd" line 8)
(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv>     invoked from within
(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv> "rd"
(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv>     (procedure "load" line 50)
(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv>     invoked from within
(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv> "load"
(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv>     (in namespace eval "::AllProtection" script line 2567)
(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv>     invoked from within
(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv> "namespace eval AllProtection {
(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv> 
(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv> # Basic declarations: (don't touch)
(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv> variable declr
(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv> foreach declr {textl text
(02:16:10) <(ChanSrv> [00:19] * CONFIG FILE NOT LOADED (NOT FOUND, OR ERROR)
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Either update your Tcl version or replace

Code: Select all

puts $apf "$list $apc [string trim [regsub -all {\s{1,}} $apbc " "]]"

Code: Select all

regsub -all {\s{1,}} $apbc " " apbc
puts $apf "$list $apc [string trim $apbc]"
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ban on excess clones!!

Post by i.m.offline »

I certainly have noticed that my bot is not kicking excess clones in the channel. I couldn't figure out why is that happening, can't see any error either on partyline.
My bot's excess clones setting is

Code: Select all

ap:clones: {4 35 kb 2} 
and yes I have set as well.

Code: Select all

 set cbcd(check) 1 
I tried to join 3/4/5/6 clones but nothing. Please suggest me, what could have been wrong :s[/code]
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Post by Zircon »

Hello i.m.offline

I have this setting :
ap:clones: {4 1440 kb 2}
and it s fully working. If they are 4 clones or more, the bot ban their address and kick ALL of them. Maybe your clones are having the +f flag.
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Post by i.m.offline »

Zircon wrote:Hello i.m.offline

I have this setting :
ap:clones: {4 1440 kb 2}
and it s fully working. If they are 4 clones or more, the bot ban their address and kick ALL of them. Maybe your clones are having the +f flag.
Thanks mate for the suggestion. sorted out. Thanks again ;)
seems I messed up in identd :)
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