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AllProtection.tcl (Stable: v4.8 / Beta: v4.9b4)

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Post by ztian299 »

Sir_Fz possibilities for making it protect from spamming with /me ?
would be great
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Post by Sir_Fz »

ztian299 wrote:Sir_Fz possibilities for making it protect from spamming with /me ?
would be great
It already does.
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Post by MenzAgitat »

This morning, several of my chans were attacked by flooding drones.
Simultaneous mass join on 3 chans on which my eggdrop were, public flood, CTCP flood on the eggdrop and DCC chat connection attempts with it.
(Mass join and public flood has been lessen by dynamic limit fixed to (nb users)+3)

aplogs only shows this :
[01:55:17] Kick de PdGVtZRobz sur #boulets pour la raison suivante : L'envoi excessif de notices n'est pas toléré. (2 lines in 1.42 secs) :: [Wed May 21 01:55:17 2008] - Banni 0 minutes
[01:55:17] Kick de EQbMqJgA sur #boulets pour la raison suivante : L'envoi excessif de notices n'est pas toléré. (2 lines in 1.418 secs) :: [Wed May 21 01:55:17 2008] - Banni 0 minutes
[01:55:19] Kick de CkFpa sur #boulets pour la raison suivante : L'envoi excessif de notices n'est pas toléré. (2 lines in 1.416 secs) :: [Wed May 21 01:55:17 2008] - Banni 0 minutes
(in english, that means kicks for notice flood)

The eggdrop failed to protect himself and the channel.

The mass join should have triggered +mRT channel modes but :
[01:43] Tcl error [::AllProtection::joins massjoin]: wrong # args: should be "putquick arg"
concerned parameters :
ap:cjoin: {3:2 5 kb 2}
ap:massjoin: {3:2 mRT 60}
The single user text repetition were controlled successfully.
[01:44] [@] Boole! KICK #uno misisi :Répétition de texte détectée. (5 répétitions en 13.089s) :: [Wed May 21 01:44:02 2008] - Banni 0 minutes
[01:44] misisi kicked from #uno by Boole: Répétition de texte détectée. (5 répétitions en 13.089s) :: [Wed May 21 01:44:02 2008] - Banni 0 minutes
[01:44] [@] Boole! KICK #uno LiJkXqDvLeXK :Répétition de texte détectée. (5 répétitions en 13.197s) :: [Wed May 21 01:44:02 2008] - Banni 0 minutes
[01:44] LiJkXqDvLeXK kicked from #uno by Boole: Répétition de texte détectée. (5 répétitions en 13.197s) :: [Wed May 21 01:44:02 2008] - Banni 0 minutes
[01:44] [@] Boole! KICK #uno alladin____ :Répétition de texte détectée. (5 répétitions en 13.365s) :: [Wed May 21 01:44:02 2008] - Banni 0 minutes
[01:44] alladin____ kicked from #uno by Boole: Répétition de texte détectée. (5 répétitions en 13.365s) :: [Wed May 21 01:44:02 2008] - Banni 0 minutes
CTCP flood protection on the eggdrop failed :
[01:45] Tcl error [::AllProtection::pctcp ctcp]: wrong # args: should be "putquick arg"
concerned parameters :
ap:bctcp: {4:10 mRT 60}
ap:ctcps: {4:20 15 kb 2}
ap:ctcpchecks: VERSION
Concerning DCC connection attempts flood, I don't think AllProtection can do anything.

I've been using AP for more than 2 years and globally, it handles isolate abuses successfully; but that time, more than 30 drones attacked the eggdrop directly and it was pretty intensive.
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Paste the output of '.set errorInfo'.
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Post by MenzAgitat »

I would be happy to do so but the facts happened at a moment I was afk.
Must I contact the offender and ask him to attack again for testing purposes ? XD

Unfortunately I can't reproduce le problem at wish. :?
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Just type '.set errorInfo' if no other errors occured after this particular error then it's probably still logged. Also, I don't think the current versions (stable or beta) of AllProtection would produce such an error since putquick is properly used within the script.
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Post by MenzAgitat »

I finally managed to reproduce part of the problem with a CTCP flood :

Code: Select all

wrong # args: should be "putquick arg"
    while executing
"putquick "MODE $botnick +$apfp(rmode)" -next"
    (procedure "privl" line 6)
    invoked from within
"privl CTCP"
    ("ctcp" arm line 5)
    invoked from within
"switch -- $flood {
  "text" {if {[isbotnick [lindex [split $dest @] 0]]} { ptext f $nick $uhost $hand $arg }}
  "ctcp" {
   variable pctcpf
    (procedure "::AllProtection::pctcp" line 3)
    invoked from within
"::AllProtection::pctcp ctcp $_ctcpr1 $_ctcpr2 $_ctcpr3 $_ctcpr4 $_ctcpr5 $_ctcpr6"
The version I'm using is 4.6b8.
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Post by speechles »

MenzAgitat wrote:I finally managed to reproduce part of the problem with a CTCP flood :

Code: Select all

wrong # args: should be "putquick arg"
    while executing
"putquick "MODE $botnick +$apfp(rmode)" -next"
    (procedure "privl" line 6)
    invoked from within
"privl CTCP"
    ("ctcp" arm line 5)
    invoked from within
"switch -- $flood {
  "text" {if {[isbotnick [lindex [split $dest @] 0]]} { ptext f $nick $uhost $hand $arg }}
  "ctcp" {
   variable pctcpf
    (procedure "::AllProtection::pctcp" line 3)
    invoked from within
"::AllProtection::pctcp ctcp $_ctcpr1 $_ctcpr2 $_ctcpr3 $_ctcpr4 $_ctcpr5 $_ctcpr6"
The version I'm using is 4.6b8.
Either your using an ancient eggdrop ( < 1.5*) or you've renamed the original putquick, built your own 'putquick' to replace it, simply forgetting to support -next.
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Post by MenzAgitat »

I'm using Windrop 1.6.18 and the putquick command has not been replaced in any way (I just checked that).

my Tcl doesn't seem to support ?options? at all :
<MenzAgitat> .tcl putquick
<Boole> Tcl error: wrong # args: should be "putquick arg"
<MenzAgitat> .tcl puthelp
<Boole> Tcl error: wrong # args: should be "puthelp arg"
<MenzAgitat> .tcl putserv
<Boole> Tcl error: wrong # args: should be "putserv arg"
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Post by Sir_Fz »

You have some other Tcl script loaded which is overriding Eggdrop's [putquick] command.
« Opposing » .tcl putquick
« Bot » Tcl error: wrong # args: should be "putquick text ?options?"
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Post by MenzAgitat »

OMG you're right, I found that accent.tcl is the culprit.
Thank you for your help.
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Post by eXtremer »

If I want to disable a feature for example "Advertising" how to disable it, what I need to comment ?
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Post by Sir_Fz »

eXtremer wrote:If I want to disable a feature for example "Advertising" how to disable it, what I need to comment ?
All features are disabled via DCC, for example if ap:adv is set to "+ 180 kb 2" then what you need to change in order to disable it is the '+' to '-' so
.chanset #channel ap:adv - 180 kb 2
will disable this feature on #channel.
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Post by eXtremer »

Sir_Fz wrote:
eXtremer wrote:If I want to disable a feature for example "Advertising" how to disable it, what I need to comment ?
All features are disabled via DCC, for example if ap:adv is set to "+ 180 kb 2" then what you need to change in order to disable it is the '+' to '-' so
.chanset #channel ap:adv - 180 kb 2
will disable this feature on #channel.
But if I want to disable it on all channels ?!
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Post by Zircon »

But if I want to disable it on all channels ?!
Then replace #channel by *

Code: Select all

.chanset * ap:adv - 180 kb 2
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