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Post by GaveUp »

Here is the latest version of the script (0.9). There have been several significant changes in the structure of the script and how you run it. Please report any bugs that you may find. Also, in preparation for 1.0 (should just be a bug fix of 0.9) which I'll submit to the archive, if anyone creates any themes post them and I'll include them in the 1.0 package.

v0.9 can be grabbed here
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Joined: Thu Jan 19, 2006 3:56 am

Post by GaveUp »

Well, as always just after a new version I find one bug that crept through. This being a particularly nasty one, here is an immediate fix.

Grab v0.9.1 here
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Post by silver »

will try soon

btw in 0.8 {%%clas%%} and {%%genres%%} didnt work in tvrage(tvlogLine), are those added in new version? would be awesome

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Post by GaveUp »

{%%genres%%} support has been added to the todo. I have no idea what you mean by {%%clas%%}. That tag has never been supported anywhere.

Upon taking a bit more of a look at the code I've noticed that {%%class%%} broke from the previous version and is not supported by the log parser. I have added the bug fix and log suport to the todo as well. I assume {%%class%%} is what you meant by {%%clas%%}.
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Post by silver »

yes i did sorry :)

come to think of it country would be nice in newdir announce too, or maybe even... every variable that works in !showinfo? :$

maybe too much to ask but would be nice!
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Post by kodmaster »

Instead of making each new line by time, is it possible to do one new line for each episode?
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Post by sonnybunz »

is it possible to set times to CET, and filter network?

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Post by silver »

btw seems like enabling gllog (for NEWDIR) hangs the bot
maybe you could add PRE: also if you're looking at it anyways ;)
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Post by xajten »

First off, thank you for a great script.., on to my questions.

Would it be possible to filter for certain networks?
Enable/disable colors? Some channels might have +c enabled.
Change the time displayed in !today etc..

Thumbs up for the great work!

EDIT: Another suggestion, maybe some sort of announcer? Like its 11.00pm, the bot announces "11.00pm: Comedy Central: The Daily Show - 11x124", or something..

EDIT: Could the filter for certain networks be easy to change if you read from /myrss.php instead of quickschedule.php? I'd experiment on it myself if I knew jack about TCL :P
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Joined: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:38 am

Post by hello »

What about like a on text read like how the glog works but make so people could just put an on txt in it so when that certain txt is displayed then it does as the same as glog and spits out the info maybe
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Post by GaveUp »

is it possible to set times to CET
Change the time displayed in !today etc..
This has been dicussed numerous times on the thread. As I've stated before unless someone submits a patch that adds this ability it will likely not happen.

and filter network?
Would it be possible to filter for certain networks?
I will look into adding this in a future version. I am trying to keep, at this point, the next version just being bug fixes so it will probably not show up in that version, but in a subsequent version.

Enable/disable colors? Some channels might have +c enabled.
I will look at adding this feature in a future version, also. It also, is not likely to show up in 1.0, though. For now you'll have to use the obvious workarounds to deal with this situation.

EDIT: Another suggestion, maybe some sort of announcer? Like its 11.00pm, the bot announces "11.00pm: Comedy Central: The Daily Show - 11x124", or something..
This is a feature I've considered in the past. If I were to add this I would want to enable a caching mechanism to reduce load on tvrage servers. This feature, like the others, may show up in future versions but not 1.0.

EDIT: Could the filter for certain networks be easy to change if you read from /myrss.php instead of quickschedule.php? I'd experiment on it myself if I knew jack about TCL
Short answer, it'd be more work to implement the ability to read RSS than the fairly quick task of adding network filtering for the scedules.

btw seems like enabling gllog (for NEWDIR) hangs the bot
maybe you could add PRE: also if you're looking at it anyways
Try messing with the 'how often to read option.' That'd be my first hunch as to what is causing the problem. It should be noted, though, that the gllog code is completely untested. I have no way of testing it and it was added only in an effort for the script to support all the features other tv scripts did. As you can see the logic of the code is based HEAVILY on the original code in bin-tv. If this code does not work, then someone else will have to do the fixing as I can not debug it. Also, after some searching it seems that other scripts have plugins that add this functionality so there is really no reason to continue work on this code. If this code does, indeed, cause the bot to hang then I will remove it. If the code is stable and works as it is, then I will leave it as it stands. Reports one way or the other on this are welcome.

What about like a on text read like how the glog works but make so people could just put an on txt in it so when that certain txt is displayed then it does as the same as glog and spits out the info maybe
See the above paragraph for where the gllog reading code stands.

Instead of making each new line by time, is it possible to do one new line for each episode?
At the present, this is not possible. It should be, given proper settings in the theme, so I do consider this a bug; however, since displaying one show per line on the schedules would result in a massive flood from the bot the bug is low on the list of things to fix. It will be fixed, but being as it is only a non-critical formatting issue other bugs will take priority.
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Post by hello »

Great script guys

See the above paragraph for where the gllog reading code stands.
I think you misunderstood what I mean.
I am not saying going off a log file but just a certain phrase that is said in the channels

Also what about where a user could add there self and add shows the user likes to watch then like say 5 minutes before that show is gonna air the bot could msg them and let them know.
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Post by coldturkey »

Stumbled on this little thing... Somehow {%%title%%} doesnt give any results so the announcement (only showinfo) looks like this;

Title: URL: http://...... and so on... But only in showinfo.
Kinda weird.

Ah just saw the 0.9.1 version, it works fine now! Thanks again! ;)
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Post by kodmaster »

In response to my previous post,

I got it to work.
Link to default.theme in which it works:
Posts: 8
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Post by silver »

btw seems like enabling gllog (for NEWDIR) hangs the bot
maybe you could add PRE: also if you're looking at it anyways

Try messing with the 'how often to read option.' That'd be my first hunch as to what is causing the problem. It should be noted, though, that the gllog code is completely untested. I have no way of testing it and it was added only in an effort for the script to support all the features other tv scripts did. As you can see the logic of the code is based HEAVILY on the original code in bin-tv. If this code does not work, then someone else will have to do the fixing as I can not debug it. Also, after some searching it seems that other scripts have plugins that add this functionality so there is really no reason to continue work on this code. If this code does, indeed, cause the bot to hang then I will remove it. If the code is stable and works as it is, then I will leave it as it stands. Reports one way or the other on this are welcome.
thnx for your reply, indeed an other script to do this has been released:
i now use your script for triggers and that one for gllog :)
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