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Trivia 2000 Version 2.0.5 Beta

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Trivia 2000 Version 2.0.5 Beta

Post by Ian-Highlander »

I'm not sure it's 100% ready for general release yet and as a result I'm not uploading it to my website or the archive yet but.........

The first "fully working" (in theory) beta of the next generation of Trivia 2000 is pretty much done and I'm wondering if there's anyone out there that either uses an older version currently and would like to upgrade or would just be happy to help test it and report back if they find any bugs, inconsistencies or general problems with it. I know there are a lot of people out there using it by the number of emails I get but dont want to release a potentially slightly buggy script. (I dont think it is, but I'd rather thoroughly test it before releasing it to be sure).

The new version has a lot of functionality that I get emails requesting all the time and is the next step towards where I want Trivia 2000 to end up finally.

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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# New in Version 2.0.5.beta                                                                         #
# Multi word answers can now be used in the question files and are accepted correctly by the bot.   #
# !start command enhanced to accept the number of questions required in this round, maximum number  #
# to allow is configured at the top of the script (default 25). The new command format is !start ** #
# i.e !start 10 will start a ten question round. The !start command still works the same as always. #
# New option to announce the number of questions left in the round before each question by default. #
# New public command !announce on/off to switch on or off the above function.                       #
# New option to display the answers if nobody gets the question right after each question.          #
# New public command !answers on/off to switch on or off the above function.                        #
# New function that notifies users when the round has finished.                                     #
# Bug Fix: !stop command now stops the game timers correctly and the game wont respond to a correct #
# answer after the !stop command is issued. (I hadn't realised it was even doing it before).        #
# Bug Fix: !game off command now cant be used while a round is in progress, !stop command must be   #
# issued first to stop the game as it also wasnt stopping the timers correctly.                     #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
Anyone interested in helping test it ?? (it's being used in one active room at the moment so I know it works but of course you can never test everything with one set of chatters. :D

If anyone is interested, please let me know in here, by PM or by Email and I'll get back to you.

Thanks :D
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Post by demond »

now if you could only come up with a script that parses Encyclopedia Britannica and generates trivia databases... that would be a killer app :P
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Post by Ian-Highlander »

demond wrote:now if you could only come up with a script that parses Encyclopedia Britannica and generates trivia databases... that would be a killer app :P
Was that an offer? :wink:

Yeah questions is something I've always been short of, I typed out the ones that come with Trivia 2000 by hand but there's only about 1700 ish although I'm working on more currently.

If anyone has any free question databases they want to "donate" they'd be gratefully accepted :lol:
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Post by Alchera »

Ian-Highlander wrote:If anyone has any free question databases they want to "donate" they'd be gratefully accepted
How about user input? Allow quiz users the ability to add questions/answers i.e. !addquest <question>::<answer> either via /msg or public trigger.
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Post by Ian-Highlander »

A great idea, thankyou, I'll add it to my list of things to do with the script when I get time. :D
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