This script makes statistics about users who speak in the channel and adds them to the userfile. Lets hope it doesn't get too big, but if anybody has any other suggestions on how to make a botnet database, that would serve my needs much better.
I'd like to modify the auto add user section of this script.
What I'd like to have it do is match the irc nickname of the person being added with words (like fserve or xdcc) and if caught give them the appropriate custom flags I'd like such as +X in the channel flags. I'd like regular users to be +A, voiced users to be +B, ops to be +C, and matched from specified words (if the nick has xdcc in it) to be +D. If possible, I'd also like to match what the user said to be added and match that to a specified list (simple { } 's would do fine, its a small list) and give a +E flag if the user typed !faq.
Here is the code within statwww3.22.tcl which auto adds users
Code: Select all
## Add user with *no*flags* if (s)he wasn't known before. --------------------
## If handle is in use, N_nick is used as handle, where N is 1st free number.
proc auto_adduser {nick uhost hand chan text} {
if {[validuser $nick]} {
if {![matchchanattr $nick o|o $chan] && ![matchchanattr $nick m|m $chan]} {
setuser $nick HOSTS [maskhost $nick!$uhost]
putlog "Learned hostmask [maskhost $nick!$uhost] for $nick"
count_words $nick $uhost $nick $chan $text
return 1
if {[matchchanattr $nick o|o $chan] || [matchchanattr $nick m|m $chan]} {
set foo 0
while {[validuser $foo\_$nick]} {incr foo}
set nick $foo\_$nick
adduser $nick [maskhost $nick!$uhost]
foreach i [channels] {addchanrec $nick $i}
putlog "Learned user $nick [maskhost $nick!$uhost]"
chattr $nick "-omntxjpcubdkfvah"
chattr $nick "-mnodfkvqa" $chan
count_words $nick $uhost $nick $chan $text
return 1
Code: Select all
### StatWWW 3.22 for Eggdrop 1.3.x ###
### by Goblet 1997-2000 email: ###
### ###
### READ ALL THE DOCUMENTATION FIRST! Use with your own risk :) ###
### ###
### This is free to use and modify, but please don't remove the info ###
### about the author. You only show your lameness that way because so ###
### many people still know who wrote the original StatWWW. ###
### NOTES: -This script uses flag 5 (F) so it WILL interfere with ###
### other scripts using that! ###
### Please send me email and tell the url where your stats are ###
### running, but DON'T ASK HELP! You're on your own! ###
# V3.2, 3.21, 3.22
# -Just minor fixes, optimizations and new look
# -Should be compatible with Eggdrop 1.4.0 and different timefuncs.
# V3.1
# -Optimized sortbywords-function
# V3.01
# -Little bugfixes because of version difference in some tcl-funcs
# V3.0
# -Finally converted for Eggdrop version 1.3.x
# -Made some little optimizations.
# V2.x
# -Ported by somebody else, not me. I won't give any more comments ;-)
# V1.6
# -Removed WHEN-command because of uselessness. Use seen if needed!
# -Changed 'Last on' to use chanrecords
# -Optimized almost everything. Now takes MUCH less CPU-time!
# -Added stylesheet usability.
# -Added comment lines before procs :-)
# -People with 0 words aren't shown on web or any other lists.
# V1.52
# -Fixed several non-fatal bugs and made some little "pitchings".
# -Changed the layout a little.
# V1.51
# -Never published, was just on own use.
# V1.5
# -Now works with Eggdrop version greater than 1.2.0 only.
# -Added multichannel support.
# -Fastlog feature removed because in multichannel use you should have
# so many logfiles and to reduce taking CPU-time.
# -Lynxfile (plain txt-file) feature removed also for same reason.
# -Removed flag 2 usage and changed locking to flag o (oper)
# -Changed usage of flag 1 to flag 5
# -Changed totally the stats' saveformat in userfile.
# -Added WEED-command. (Idea from Alikki)
# -Removed autodeletion of users with less of 3 pubs 'cos of WEED-cmd
# -Noticed that getlaston & setlaston with channel attribute don't work
# if the user has no flags on that channel, so included last-on-times
# in channel specific stat-records.
# -Added PLACE-command
# V1.4
# -If somebody parts/quits and has less than 3 comments, the bot deletes
# that user because it's very big possibility that he just came to say
# "hello" and won't ever be back. That prevents userfile getting huge.
# -Added DOSTATS dcc-command, see below
# V1.3
# -Fixed bug with words/pubs, no more division by zero.
# -Fixed bug with auto_adduser
# -People can now ask somebody else's stats, see below
# -Added TOPTEN command, see below
# V1.2
# -STAT-command tells also idletime if user is on channel.
# -Fixed some little bugs in several places
# -Added words/publics section (Suggested by Luosto)
# V1.1
# -Fixed bug with actions, they go to the logs now.
# -Fixed some little bugs in several places
# -Fixed bug with count_words, no more errormsg with nonexistent users
## ================== DCC COMMANDS TO HANDLE THE STATS ================ ##
# (only masters can use these)
# CLRUSER <handle>
# Sets somebody's all stats to 0
# SUMUSER <handle1> <handle2>
# Adds handle2's hostmask(s) and stats to handle1 and deletes handle2
# Instantly creates the new html-file(s).
# WEED <words>
# Deletes users who have less than <words> words on ALL separate
# channels except if they have master or op flag.
## ============================ MSG COMMANDS ========================== ##
# (everybody can use these)
# Sends a notice to the user and tells his/her statistics
# TOPTEN <channel>
# Says top ten talkers on <channel> and their wordcounts.
# PLACE <channel>
# Tells user's place on list and wordcount on <channel>.
## ========================== PUBLIC COMMANDS ========================= ##
# (everybody can use these)
# !STAT [nick]
# Tells user's (or nick's if given) statistics on current channel.
# Says top ten talkers and their wordcounts on current channel.
# !PLACE [nick]
# Tells user's (or nick's if given) place on list and wordcount
# on current channel.
# ================ SPECIAL FLAGS USED BY THIS SCRIPT: ===================
# 5 = Do not include this user to the html and !topten output.
# This uses channel specific flag, so it must be set for all channels
# (counting still works so they can use STAT-command)
# It's good idea to remove next line now when you have read the documentation :-)
#die "My idiot owner doesn't read any docs"
## ============================== SETTINGS ============================ ##
## webfile with a html-table, shows 50 top talkers.
## If you don't define a webfile for all channels your bot is monitoring,
## it just doesn't make webfile for those channels, but stats work and
## pub and msg commands are usable.
## NOTICE: Use only lowercase letters in channel name here!
#set wwwfile(#test) "/home/filesys/test1.html"
#set wwwfile(#test2) "/home/filesys/test2.html"
set wwwfile(#test2) "/home/user/eggdrop/filesys/test2.html"
## tag for the output, if you want to use your own colors etc.
set bodytag {<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">}
## tag for using a stylesheet. set to "" if you don't want to use it.
set styletag {<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/foobar.css">}
## Colors for <th> and <td> tags of the table
set th_color(0) "#8080c0"
set th_color(1) "#8080e0"
set td_color(0) "#c0c0c0"
set td_color(1) "#e0e0e0"
## should userfile be saved same time as the statistics-web page updates?
## (Generally a very good idea)
set saveonupdate 1
## should bot learn new users when they start talking on a channel?
## not good idea if you don't like BIG userfile... 1=enable 0=disable
## If a user with same nick already exists, new hostmask is added to user
## (except if the user has master or oper-flag when the new user is
## added as [num]_nick where [num] if first available number.)
## auto-add removes flags ofxp for security when bot learns new user.
set autoadd 1
# Remove next line now when you have configured the settings :-)
#die "My idiot owner didn't configure StatWWW."
### -------------------------- CODE BEGINS HERE --------------------- ###
### If you're not familiar with TCL, do not edit anything below this! ###
set env(STATWWW_VER) "3.22"
## Returns handlelist in decreasing order by wordcount. ----------------------
proc sortbywords {chan} {
set chan [string tolower $chan]
foreach i [userlist] {
if {![matchchanattr $i 5|5 $chan]} {
set foo [lindex [getuser $i XTRA stat.$chan] 0]
if {$foo != "" && $i != "*ban"} {
lappend foolist "$foo $i"
set foolist [lsort -decreasing -integer -index 0 $foolist]
return $foolist
## Add user with *no*flags* if (s)he wasn't known before. --------------------
## If handle is in use, N_nick is used as handle, where N is 1st free number.
proc auto_adduser {nick uhost hand chan text} {
if {[validuser $nick]} {
if {![matchchanattr $nick o|o $chan] && ![matchchanattr $nick m|m $chan]} {
setuser $nick HOSTS [maskhost $nick!$uhost]
putlog "Learned hostmask [maskhost $nick!$uhost] for $nick"
count_words $nick $uhost $nick $chan $text
return 1
if {[matchchanattr $nick o|o $chan] || [matchchanattr $nick m|m $chan]} {
set foo 0
while {[validuser $foo\_$nick]} {incr foo}
set nick $foo\_$nick
adduser $nick [maskhost $nick!$uhost]
foreach i [channels] {addchanrec $nick $i}
putlog "Learned user $nick [maskhost $nick!$uhost]"
chattr $nick "-omntxjpcubdkfvah"
chattr $nick "-mnodfkvqa" $chan
count_words $nick $uhost $nick $chan $text
return 1
## Count the words and letters and update statrecord for user. ---------------
bind pubm - * count_words
proc count_words {nick uhost hand chan text} {
global autoadd
regsub -all "\"|\{|\}" $text "x" text
set text [join $text]
set chan [string tolower $chan]
if {[validuser $hand]} {
set foo [getuser $hand XTRA stat.$chan]
if {$foo == ""} {
setuser $hand XTRA stat.$chan {0 0 0 0 0 0 0}
set foo {0 0 0 0 0 0 0}
set wrds [expr {[lindex $foo 0] + [llength $text]}]
set ltrs [expr {[lindex $foo 1] + [string length [join $text ""]]}]
set pubs [lindex $foo 2]
incr pubs
setuser $hand XTRA stat.$chan [lreplace $foo 0 2 $wrds $ltrs $pubs]
} elseif {$autoadd == 1} {
auto_adduser $nick $uhost $hand $chan $text
} else {return 0}
## Make the webfiles NOW. ----------------------------------------------------
bind dcc m dostats dcc_dostats
proc dcc_dostats {hand idx text} {
switch -glob [clock format [clock seconds] -format %M] {
*9 {
putdcc $idx "Naah, wait a minute :)"
return 0
*0 {
putdcc $idx "I JUST made them! :)"
return 0
default {
do_stats min hour day month year
putdcc $idx "Updated webfiles."
return 1
## Remove users with less than given wordcount. ------------------------------
bind dcc m weed dcc_weed
proc dcc_weed {hand idx text} {
if {[catch {expr $text}]} {
putdcc $idx "\"$text\" WORDS? Nothing to do!"
return 0
set fubaz " "
foreach i [userlist] {
set bar 0
foreach j [channels] {
set foo [lindex [getuser $i XTRA stat.[string tolower $j]] 0]
if {$foo > $text} {set bar 1}
if {($bar == 0) && !([matchchanattr $i o|o $j]
|| [matchchanattr $i v|v $j])} {
if {($i != "*ban") && ![matchchanattr $i m|m $j]} {
deluser $i
lappend fubaz $i
putdcc $idx "Deleted $fubaz"
return 1
## Sum two users hostmasks and statistics ------------------------------------
## For use if someone has a duplicate handle created by auto_adduser.
bind dcc m sumuser dcc_sumuser
proc dcc_sumuser {hand idx text} {
set realuser [lindex [split $text { }] 0]
set fakeuser [lindex [split $text { }] 1]
if {[validuser $realuser] != 1} {putdcc $idx "No such user ($realuser)"; return 0}
if {[validuser $fakeuser] != 1} {putdcc $idx "No such user ($fakeuser)"; return 0}
foreach i [channels] {
set i [string tolower $i]
set foo [getuser $realuser XTRA stat.$i]
set bar [getuser $fakeuser XTRA stat.$i]
if {$foo == ""} {set foo {0 0 0 0 0 0 0}}
if {$bar == ""} {set bar {0 0 0 0 0 0 0}}
for {set j 0} {$j < 7} {incr j} {
set foo [lreplace $foo $j $j [expr [lindex $foo $j]+[lindex $bar $j]]]
if {$foo != {0 0 0 0 0 0 0}} {setuser $realuser XTRA stat.$i $foo}
foreach i [channels] {
set i [string tolower $i]
if {[getuser $realuser LASTON $i] < [getuser $fakeuser LASTON $i]} {
setuser $realuser LASTON [getuser $fakeuser LASTON $i] $i *
foreach i [getuser $fakeuser HOSTS] {
setuser $realuser HOSTS $i
putdcc $idx "$fakeuser stats and hostmask(s) added to $realuser and $fakeuser deleted."
deluser $fakeuser
## Clear user's statistics values to 0 on all channels -----------------------
bind dcc m clruser dcc_clruser
proc dcc_clruser {hand idx text} {
if {![validuser $text]} {putdcc $idx "$text\? No such user!"; return 0}
if {[validuser $text]} {
putdcc $idx "Set all $text's stats to 0 on all channels."
foreach i [string tolower [channels]] {
set foo [getuser $text XTRA stat.$i]
if {$foo != ""} {setuser $text XTRA stat.$i {0 0 0 0 0 0 0}}
## Make the webfile(s)! -------------------------------------------------------
proc do_stats {min hour day month year} {
global wwwfile saveonupdate bodytag styletag env th_color td_color
foreach statchan [channels] {
if {[info exists wwwfile([string tolower $statchan])]} {
putserv "ping 0"
set out "<meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"588\">"
set out "<meta http-equiv=\"Pragma\" content=\"no-cache\">"
append out "\n<html><head>\n"
append out "<title>Top talkers on channel $statchan</title>\n"
append out "$styletag"
append out "\n</head>\n"
append out "\n$bodytag\n"
append out "\n<center><h1>Top talkers on channel $statchan</h1>"
append out "\n<table border=0>\n<caption>"
append out [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"]
append out "</caption>\n<tr>"
append out "\n<th align=left bgcolor=\"$th_color(0)\">Nr</th>"
append out "\n<th align=left bgcolor=\"$th_color(1)\">Nick</th>"
append out "\n<th align=left bgcolor=\"$th_color(0)\">Last on</th>"
append out "\n<th align=left bgcolor=\"$th_color(1)\">Words</th>"
append out "\n<th align=left bgcolor=\"$th_color(0)\">Publics</th>"
append out "\n<th align=left bgcolor=\"$th_color(1)\">W/P</th>"
append out "\n<th align=left bgcolor=\"$th_color(0)\">Letters</th>"
append out "\n<th align=left bgcolor=\"$th_color(1)\">Kicks</th>"
append out "\n<th align=left bgcolor=\"$th_color(0)\">Modes</th>"
append out "\n<th align=left bgcolor=\"$th_color(1)\">Topics</th>"
append out "\n<th align=left bgcolor=\"$th_color(0)\">Actions</th>"
append out "\n</tr>"
set statchan [string tolower $statchan]
set hands ""
set idles ""
foreach i [chanlist $statchan] {
lappend hands [nick2hand $i $statchan]
lappend idles [getchanidle $i $statchan]
set foolista [lrange [sortbywords $statchan] 0 49]
set no 0
foreach i $foolista {
incr no
set handle [lindex $i 1]
set stats [getuser $handle XTRA stat.$statchan]
set lastonchan [getuser $handle LASTON $statchan]
if {$lastonchan == "" || $lastonchan == 0} {
set lastonchan "???"
} else {
set lastonchan [clock format $lastonchan -format "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"]
set w_wordperpub 0
if {[lindex $stats 2] > 0} {
set w_wordperpub [format "%.1f" [expr {([lindex $stats 0]+0.0)/[lindex $stats 2]}]]
} else {set w_wordperpub 0}
if {[lsearch $hands $handle] != -1} {
set fooidle [lindex $idles [lsearch $hands $handle]]
if {$fooidle < 11} {
set lastonchan "NOW!"
} else {
set lastonchan "idle "
if {$fooidle > 59} {append lastonchan "[expr $fooidle / 60]h "}
append lastonchan "[expr $fooidle - ($fooidle / 60 * 60)]min"
if {[onchansplit [hand2nick $handle $statchan] $statchan]} {
set lastonchan "SPLIT"
append out "\n<tr>"
append out "\n<td align=left bgcolor=\"$td_color(0)\">$no</td>"
append out "\n<td align=left bgcolor=\"$td_color(1)\">$handle</td>"
append out "\n<td bgcolor=\"$td_color(0)\">$lastonchan</td>"
append out "\n<td align=right bgcolor=\"$td_color(1)\">[lindex $stats 0]</td>"
append out "\n<td align=right bgcolor=\"$td_color(0)\">[lindex $stats 2]</td>"
append out "\n<td align=right bgcolor=\"$td_color(1)\">$w_wordperpub</td>"
append out "\n<td align=right bgcolor=\"$td_color(0)\">[lindex $stats 1]</td>"
append out "\n<td align=right bgcolor=\"$td_color(1)\">[lindex $stats 3]</td>"
append out "\n<td align=right bgcolor=\"$td_color(0)\">[lindex $stats 4]</td>"
append out "\n<td align=right bgcolor=\"$td_color(1)\">[lindex $stats 5]</td>"
append out "\n<td align=right bgcolor=\"$td_color(0)\">[lindex $stats 6]</td>"
append out "\n</tr>"
append out "\n</table></center><br>"
append out "\n<center>This page updates every 10 minutes.</center><br>"
append out "\n<center><address>"
append out "<a href=\"\">"
append out "StatWWW $env(STATWWW_VER)</a></address></center>"
append out "\n</body></html>"
set fd [open "$wwwfile([string tolower $statchan])" w]
puts $fd $out
close $fd
unset out
if {$saveonupdate == 1} {save}
## Tell place on list on channel ---------------------------------------------
bind pub - *wplace pub_place
proc pub_place {nick uhost hand chan text} {
if {$text != ""} {set hand $text}
if {[matchchanattr $hand 5|5 $chan]} {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$hand\'s stats aren't included in the list."
return 1
if {[validuser $hand] && ![matchchanattr $hand 5|5 $chan]} {
set foolist "foo"
foreach i [sortbywords $chan] {
lappend foolist [string tolower [lindex $i 1]]
set foo "$hand is number "
append foo "[lsearch $foolist [string tolower $hand]] on the list."
append foo " ([lindex [getuser $hand XTRA stat.[string tolower $chan]] 0] words)"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$foo"
return 1
## Tell place on list on channel, asked by a MSG -----------------------------
bind msg - place msg_place
proc msg_place {nick uhost hand arg} {
if {[string length $arg] < 1} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Usage: place <channel>"
return 1
if {![regexp -nocase " $arg " " [channels] "]} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :I'm not monitoring channel $arg"
return 1
if {[matchchanattr $hand 5|5 $arg]} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Your stats aren't included in the list."
return 1
if {[validuser $hand] && ![matchchanattr $hand 5|5 $arg]} {
set foolist "foo"
foreach i [sortbywords $arg] {
lappend foolist [lindex $i 1]
set foo "You're number [lsearch $foolist $hand] on the list."
append foo " ([lindex [getuser $hand XTRA stat.[string tolower $arg]] 0] words)"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :$foo"
return 1
## Tell top 10 talkers on channel, asked by a MSG -----------------------------
bind msg - topten msg_topten
proc msg_topten {nick uhost hand arg} {
if {[regexp topten [timers]]} {return 0}
if {$arg == ""} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Usage: topten <channel>"
return 1
if {![regexp -nocase " $arg " " [channels] "]} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :I'm not monitoring that channel"
return 1
set foolista [sortbywords $arg]
set foo ""
for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
append foo "[expr $i + 1]. [lindex [lindex $foolista $i] 1]"
append foo "([lindex [lindex $foolista $i] 0]) "
timer 1 {return topten}
putserv "NOTICE $nick :$foo"
return 1
## Tell top 10 talkers on channel. -------------------------------------------
bind pub - *topten pub_topten
proc pub_topten {nick uhost hand chan text} {
if {[regexp topten [timers]]} {return 0}
set foolista [sortbywords $chan]
set foo ""
for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
append foo "[expr $i + 1]. [lindex [lindex $foolista $i] 1]"
append foo "([lindex [lindex $foolista $i] 0]) "
timer 1 {return topten}
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$foo"
return 1
## Tell user's statistics on all channels, asked by a MSG --------------------
bind msg - stat msg_stat
proc msg_stat {nick uhost hand text} {
if {$text != ""} {set hand $text}
if {[validuser $hand] != 1} {return 0}
foreach chan [channels] {
set chan [string tolower $chan]
set foo [getuser $hand XTRA stat.$chan]
set statmessage "$hand has on $chan :"
append statmessage "[lindex $foo 0] words, "
append statmessage "[lindex $foo 2] publics, "
append statmessage "[lindex $foo 1] letters,"
append statmessage "[lindex $foo 3] kicks, "
append statmessage "[lindex $foo 4] mode changes, "
append statmessage "[lindex $foo 5] topic changes, "
append statmessage "[lindex $foo 6] actions."
putserv "NOTICE $nick :$statmessage"
return 1
## Tell user's statistics on the channel. ------------------------------------
bind pub - *wcount pub_stat
proc pub_stat {nick uhost hand chan text} {
if {$text != ""} {set hand $text}
set chan [string tolower $chan]
if {[validuser $hand] != 1} {return 0}
if {[matchchanattr $hand 5|5 $chan]} {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$hand\'s stats aren't included in the list."
return 0
set foo [getuser $hand XTRA stat.$chan]
if {$foo == ""} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$hand has no record for this channel."
return 1
set statmessage ""
lappend statmessage "[lindex $foo 0] words"
lappend statmessage " [lindex $foo 2] publics"
lappend statmessage " [lindex $foo 1] letters"
if {[lindex $foo 3] > 0} {lappend statmessage " [lindex $foo 3] kicks"}
if {[lindex $foo 4] > 0} {lappend statmessage " [lindex $foo 4] mode changes"}
if {[lindex $foo 5] > 0} {lappend statmessage " [lindex $foo 5] topic changes"}
if {[lindex $foo 6] > 0} {lappend statmessage " [lindex $foo 6] actions"}
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$hand has [join $statmessage ,]."
return 1
## Catch a mode change and update the field in statrecord --------------------
bind mode - * set_umode
proc set_umode {nick uhost hand chan mode victim} {
if {[validuser $hand]} {
set chan [string tolower $chan]
set foo [getuser $hand XTRA stat.$chan]
if {$foo == ""} {set foo {0 0 0 0 0 0 0}}
set foo [lreplace $foo 4 4 [expr [lindex $foo 4] +1]]
setuser $hand XTRA stat.$chan $foo
## Catch a kick and update the field in statrecord ---------------------------
bind kick - * set_ukick
proc set_ukick {nick uhost hand chan knick reason} {
if {[validuser $hand]} {
set chan [string tolower $chan]
set foo [getuser $hand XTRA stat.$chan]
if {$foo == ""} {set foo {0 0 0 0 0 0 0}}
set foo [lreplace $foo 3 3 [expr [lindex $foo 3] +1]]
setuser $hand XTRA stat.$chan $foo
## Catch a topic change and update the field in statrecord -------------------
bind topc - * set_utopc
proc set_utopc {nick uhost hand chan topic} {
if {[validuser $hand]} {
set chan [string tolower $chan]
set foo [getuser $hand XTRA stat.$chan]
if {$foo == ""} {set foo {0 0 0 0 0 0 0}}
set foo [lreplace $foo 5 5 [expr [lindex $foo 5] +1]]
setuser $hand XTRA stat.$chan $foo
## Catch a CTCP-action and update the field in statrecord --------------------
bind ctcp - ACTION set_uaction
proc set_uaction {nick uhost hand dest keyword args} {
set chan [string tolower $dest]
if {![regexp $chan [string tolower [channels]]]} {return 0}
if {[validuser $hand]} {
set foo [getuser $hand XTRA stat.$chan]
if {$foo == ""} {set foo {0 0 0 0 0 0 0}}
set foo [lreplace $foo 6 6 [expr [lindex $foo 6] +1]]
setuser $hand XTRA stat.$chan $foo
return 0
## We must have channel specific LASTON records. -----------------------------
## Let's make sure that we really have for every user on every channel.
foreach i [string tolower [channels]] {
foreach j [userlist] {addchanrec $j $i}
# Log the start, make sanity checks for versions and init the time binding. ---
putlog "StatWWW $env(STATWWW_VER) by Goblet"
if {$numversion < 1030000} {
putlog "WARNING! StatWWW will not work properly with Eggdop version $version"
if {$tcl_version < 7.6} {
putlog "WARNING! You need at least TCL7.6 but this is compiled with $tcl_version"
bind time - "*0 % % % %" do_stats
## THE END --------------------------------------------------------------------