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chanset check script

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chanset check script

Post by username »


I need script which check every X min the channel flags what i wrote.

For example:

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#flags to check
chanset #mychan +usecolors
this is important to wright so "#chan flag" because I need several chans with different flags.

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#check every X min
set chechtime=X
so it check on #mychan flag +usecolors every X min. If its turn off script turn this on.

Thank you. Hope you understand my eng.
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Post by Sir_Fz »

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if {[timerexists check:flags]==""} {
 timer 5 check:flags

proc check:flags {} {
 foreach chan [channels] {
  if {![channel get $chan usecolors]} {
   channel set $chan +usercolors
 timer 5 check:flags
This will check for the flag on all channels every 5 minutes, if disabled it'll enable it.

PS: alltools.tcl should be loaded for the [timerexists] command to work.
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Post by username »

Thank you, but if I need on chan #1 + usecolors on #2 - usecilors.
Can this be set by this way?
#anychan1 +usecolors
#anychan2 -usecolors
#anychan3 -udef...

first of all I need this script to save and check udef flags, because after restart they disappears and I have to wrote it again.
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Udefs don't usually get reset after rehash or restart unless you have some script that's doing so.
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Post by username »

but what should I do to prevent it?
first idea was to get a script what would be keep it.
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Post by demond »

once defined by some script, udefs are saved in chanfile; they won't disappear unless your script(s) use [setudef] inconsistently (i.e. failing to re-define udefs each time)
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Post by username »

there is such patch what I cant setup, I think that this will be the analogous script.
little info about this patch you can read here
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Post by Sir_Fz »

In this thread,
demond wrote:you can fix it yourself just as I did, by editing src/mod/channels.mod/tclchan.c and substituting all occurances of the number 2048 with 4096, also 2047 with 4095 (these are in one function only, tcl_channel_add()); don't forget to recompile, reinstall & restart the bot after you are done with that ;)
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Post by username »

thank you.