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public command with auth

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public command with auth

Post by fredvil »

pls help me with toolz.tcl from archive.. the public command for kick and ban not working. below is the part of the script:

Code: Select all

# Kicks someone off the channel
# Usage: !kick <nick> <reason>
# Ex: !kick Joe You suck!
proc pub:kick {nick uhost hand chan args} {
	if {(![auth:check $hand]) && (![isop $nick $chan])} {return 0}
	set args [split [cleanarg $args]]
	if {[llength $args] < 2} {
		notice $nick "Usage: !kick <nick> <reason>"
		return 0
	if {$hand == "*"} {return 0}
	if {([isop $hand $chan]) || ([matchattr $hand "|o" $chan]) || ([matchattr $hand "o"])} {
		set who [lindex $args 0]
		set reason [lrange $args 1 end]
		putserv "KICK $chan $who :$reason"
		putcmdlog "<<$nick>> !$hand! kick $args"
	} else {
		notice $nick "You can't do that!"
here is the respond of the bot on the DCC window... but the bot is not responding on the public command

<<clarck>> !bukyo! kick \{bukyo bye\}
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Post by Sir_Fz »

According to this code, your handle should be the same name as your nickname and you should be oped.
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