That won't help unless you tell your bot where it can find the TCL_LIBRARY_PATH (default is /usr/local/lib/tcl8.4). If it doesnt exist you will need to download it from the link above.
*wonders why he didn't query his question in German in the thread of the script*
Seems that you're running a Windrop (as opposed to an eggdrop). Not every Tcl script can be executed by Windrop. DragnLord's weather script will, however, run happily on a Windrop.
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Alchera wrote:Seems that you're running a Windrop (as opposed to an eggdrop). Not every Tcl script can be executed by Windrop. DragnLord's weather script will, however, run happily on a Windrop.
Hmmm =/
But DragnLord's Script unfoutunatley only Supports villages in the US
demond wrote:
Devilzimti wrote:Where can i tell it the bot?
sry im a noob
And on win32
should i set c://windrop//lib/tcl8.4//
as path?
The script runs fine on windrops. Just make sure you have not deleted/moved the libraries comming with windrop. They should be in ...\windrop\lib\tcl8.4 and will be found there under normal circumstances (you can try to check the var tcl_libPath to contain it, probably as something like /cygdrive/c/windrop/lib/tcl8.4).
Devilzimti wrote:Hmmm =/
But DragnLord's Script unfoutunatley only Supports villages in the US
My script is for "International weather". This means it works for cities around the world, not only the USA.
He never said it didnt support major cities all over the world... please read again what he really said (I am sure he knows about the diffrence between a city and a village).
@noname: what a workaround... well I guess it does the job .