I like to know if the 'bind splt' can be used to detect netspilts?
Umm, yes, thats what its for. Though it can't be used to tell you what exactly split, just that a split occured.
If yes, can I know how does it work or any tcl coding?
Works by matching something like "*.*.* *.*.*" against a quit message (look in the source if you want the full string match). And tcl coding to do what exactly? (I suspect you want to capture the servers that have split, in which case you'll have to use bind raw - QUIT)
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Petersen on 2002-03-07 08:41 ]</font>
I like to know if the 'bind splt' can be used to detect netspilts? As in when there's a netspilt between servers, can the eggdrop detect it? If yes, can I know how does it work or any tcl coding?
bind raw - QUIT raw:ssplit
proc raw:ssplit {from keyword text} {
#From is the nick!user@host, keyword is "QUIT", text is the 2 servernames..
#See if it's a netsplit and not a quit..
if {![regexp "(.*) (.*)" $text match server1 server2]} { return }
#Log the split..
putlog "$server1 just split from $server2"