I have a small eggdropnet and sometimes when I .restart one of the leafs it loses the +o chattr flag in its userfile.. they're set to +blfoN and I'm using netbots.tcl with botnetop loaded. It afflicts a few of the leafs... just after they die and restart they lose that single flag in their user files. Anyone else suffered this dilemma or know of a reason/fix for it?
You're talking about Eggdrop's userfile sharing, not netbots.tcl. They have little to do with one another. The only time netbots interferes with sharing, if I recall correctly, is when an insufficiently privleged user attempts to use the .chattr command to add the netbot flag to a user.
I included that I used netbots.tcl in case it was a known bug. But makes sense that it has nothing to do with it. The sharing works mostly, i.e. updating a userfile on the hub and the leaf sees it, but then when .restarting the leaf it loses the +o global chattr flag... and the person using .chattr has sufficient privileges... since its an owner.