Quick question.. i searched and did not get the answer i was looking for.
For some reason my eggdrop while on SOP (+oa) staus does not respond. Like i say .voice <nick> , nothing hhappens. I say @|.OP <nick> nothing happens. But is bot is only an OP(+o) it responds to the .voice and .op and .kick commands.
While on either commands it still recognizes the .rehash command and .cycle and .restart. Just not the mode commands. What is wrong and what am i doing wrong?
And im am not talking about chanserv. This has nothing to do with chanserv. example: (bot is SOP and im owner of Bot)
i type .voice micheal ... And nothing happens
Now -a the bot which puts bot at regular op(+o) and im stilll the owner
now i say .voice micheal and it responds : Bot sets mode +v micheal
Question, why isnt it doing it while it is a (+ao). For ppl who dont know what +ao is, its SOP (&)