Hello, I'm using my eggdrop on a freeBSD shell to take logs from a channel and I've got PISG to post them. The thing is that I would like to post them on a different server, I have a ftp account on it. ftp.tripod.com and I have the account and password, how could I do that? I'm reading some docs but I can't find a way to make PISG send the index.htm file to that ftp. Can anyone help out? Thank you very much.
I can run PISG, works just fine, I can post the index.php on the ftp but only if I do it manualy, can't PISG send it automaticly whenever I run ./pisg ?? or even better , can't I set ./pisg to run every 1 hour and send them automaticly without me having to do nothing..now that would be a blast =)))