proc pub_.request {nick uhost hand channel rest} {
proc proctimer {minute hour day month year} { .. } ;
proc addtolist {nick userhost} {global yourlist; lappend yourlist $nick!$userhost}
proc checkthelist {nick userhost} {global yourlist; if {[lsearch -glob $yourlist [stringtopattern $nick]!*]!=-1 ||
[lsearch -glob $yourlist *![stringtopattern $userhost]]!=-1} {return 1} {return 0}}
global botnick
putmsg $channel ".give $nick 200"
putmsg $nick "$nick you can request another 200 words tomorrow from 00:00am GMT"
bind time - "" proctimer ;
bind pub - .request "pub_.request"
what i need help with is inserting a timer that will only reset at 00:00am GTM per person so that every one can request $200 to play on the cassino bot per day