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A little help for an op message tcl

Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
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A little help for an op message tcl

Post by Getodacul »

Code: Select all

set sendingconfirmation 1
set opmessage 1
bind mode - * mop:mode

proc mop:mode { nick uhost hand chan mc vict } {
global opmessage sendingconfirmation botnick owner
if {$mc == "+o" && $vict == $nick && $opmessage == 1} {
 putlog "A channel op has joined $chan . Sending message..."
 putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :text-1"
 putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :text-2"
 putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :text-3"
  if {$nick != $owner && $sendingconfirmation == 1} {
   putserv "VOICE $chan $nick"
That script doesnt work and have no error :? :?:
If i change line 7 with:

Code: Select all

if {$mc == "+o" && $opmessage == 1} {
script send message to person who op a persson(in most cases networks services). I want that script to send message to person who getting oped on a channel.
Can somebody save me? :P
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Let's "save" you :P $nick is the nickname of the user who is giving ops, and $vict is the nickname of the person who is getting ops. So, you want to send a message to $vict.
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Post by Getodacul »

Working... thanks mister :D
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