Is there any way for me to run an eggdrop with operator status without it constantly undoing the modes manually set by operators and trying to kick everyone who manually bans a user? I thought I had mine set to act like that, but it still does those things.
set global-flood-chan 0:0
set global-flood-deop 0:0
set global-flood-kick 0:0
set global-flood-join 0:0
set global-flood-ctcp 0:0
set global-flood-nick 0:0
set global-aop-delay 0:0
set global-idle-kick 0
set global-chanmode "nt"
set global-stopnethack-mode 0
set global-revenge-mode 0
set global-ban-time 120
set global-exempt-time 60
set global-invite-time 60
set global-chanset {
-autoop -autovoice
-bitch +cycle
+dontkickops -dynamicbans
-dynamicexempts -dynamicinvites
-enforcebans -greet
-inactive -nodesynch
-protectfriends -protectops
-revenge -revengebot
-secret +seen
-shared -statuslog
+userbans +userexempts
+userinvites -protecthalfops
channel add #channelname {}
channel set #channelname -secret -shared
Aditionally, after being idle for some time in a DCC Chat connection to the Eggdrop the connection is apparently dropped, but Eggdrop doesn't even realize it until much later (the ghost connection remains in .who for a long time). This seems to happen to other people, but not everyone. It does not happen with the connections between me and other people or bots - Eggdrop only. Is there any setting that regulates this, or anything I can do to stop the connection from being dropped? Or is it unrelated to eggdrop at all?
There are the settings in your eggdrop.conf file and may be changed dynamically via the .chanset DCC command so check the chaninfo (.chaninfo) of your channels and see if the settings have been altered.