Im in urgent need of some scripts which im unable to find. So i would like to drive the attention of all the TCL scripters so that they can help me out.
1) One Script that can Ban the host/IP of a user when the he/she quits with 'Excess flood' .. i dunno how it works.. but i've seen it on many bots.
2) My channel aops/sops sometimes deop the bot or its frenz, and the revenge is on. So the bot deops the op and then gives a +d flag to it. What i want is, whenever the bot gives a +d flag to ANYUSER.. , the bot should gimme a mail/note (whichever i choose)
Another thing, when someone deops the bot, the bot adds that person as a user and grants it the +d flag. Then when that user rejoins, it tells that user that his/her password isnt set. Im not able to understand what config prob is that.
That's it for now folks. Please help me out at your earliest.
As for the last problem, that is a script problem. Eggdrop doesn't have any code that checks for people without passwords.
2 methods of fixing it, set a dummy password for the user yourself (do not delete the user, just add and remove hostmasks from them). Or change the script to ignore the dummy users eggdrop adds.
Script 1:
I don't see why ya need this. This problem can happen for genuine reasons (coz the server is bored (it's happened to me (OK OK, the source code to eggdrop does not paste))).
# set the handle you want the note going to
set note_to "Yourname"
bind mode - "* -o" rev:note
proc rev:note {nick uh hand chan mc vict} {
global note_to
if {([lsearch -exact [channel info $chan] "+revenge"] >= 0) && [matchattr [nick2hand $vict] "fo|fo" $chan]} {
storenote "REVENGE" $note_to "Set +d $hand for setting -o $vict on $chan"
I somehow figured out that in the script 2, you gave a bind for '-o' which (i think) means that it should fire when a '-o' is detected.. But i did'nt want that pal.
Cuz its not specific that a +d is granted only when therez a -o.. it can even set +d when any of its frenz are kicked, right?
So what i actually want is, when +d is set, i should get an EMAIL as to who set it, and on whom its set.. not a note
Thanks for the help. I have yet to test the code. Have been in the hospital since 2 days
OH, so your volunteering to make the next version? Cool, no escape HUH!!!!
Too be honest, I have started to totaly re-write No!Spam (I am about 15% through it).
I am trying to add some more advanced methods of adding spams, but some of it isn't quite working out, bits I am ready to dump, but keep the basic idea (which does work).