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Server bans problem.

General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
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Server bans problem.

Post by Getodacul »

»16:32:31« * sets mode: +b *!*
»16:32:31« * Info: This *!* ban affects Testing-
»16:32:31« * Testing- was kicked by (Test!)
»16:32:32« * Marker sets mode: -b *!*

Marker it's eggdrop. I can't make the bot to let the servers bans on channel. I tried to add with .+host all bot servers. Problem not solved.
How can i make the eggdrop to read server name like a nickname? And ignore server bans.
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Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2007 2:32 pm

Post by Getodacul »

Problem solved!
set bounce-bans 0 the conf file
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