I was looking for some nice rss script and couldn't find in tcl database.
My vision of it:
- add/remove users to partyline by public commands !rssadd/!rssremove to a special rss.partyline awail for all users on predefined channel.
( bot should confirm adding to partyline via public msg, like - $nick added to rss news )
- public command !rsslist - to list all rss added.
- only for user defined in partyline ( bot's partyline ) !add_rss/!del_rss to add and remove rss without editing config file
- rss web loger - each headline & link -> log
- changing between public msg/ notice /prv msg of publishing news for users added to rss_partyline.
- on/off rss by !on_rss and !off_rss ( only for bots partylines members )
- configurable invterval of checking news and number of displaying news like in that script -> http://v.rootnode.net/~at1z0r/rss.tcl
Sory for my poor english
If there is someone who can challenge it, let me know