# ** Wikipedia Quick Link
# * Description:
# * Allows IRC users to link to wikipedia quickly through the bot.
# * The default format is:
# !wiki article name
# * Features:
# * Replaces spaces by underscores. Example:
# Article Name
# will become
# Article_Name
# in the link
# * Changes first letter of the article to upper case. Example:
# article
# will become
# Article
# in the link
# * Mentions which nickname requested the link to prevent confusion.
# Calls the script when people say !wiki at the start of the line.
# Changes this to whatever you want to make the script call on other
# keywords.
bind pub - "!wiki" spidey:wiki_link
# Two letter language of the wiki you want to link to.
set wiki_lang "en"
proc spidey:wiki_link { nick host hand chan text } {
# Turn spaces into underscores
set article [string map {" " _} $text]
# Make sure article name starts with upper case letter
set article [string toupper [string index $article 0]][string range $article 1 end]
# If no article is entered...
if { $article == "" } {
# Make it the main page article
set article "Main_Page"
# Print link
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\00312\037http://$::wiki_lang.wikipedia.org/wiki/$article\037\003 (Requested by \002$nick\002)"
# Log the script as successfully loaded.
putlog "Wikipedia Quick Link 1.1 by Hen Asraf: Loaded"
There is problem with encoding. It cant work with special characters (foreign langs.)
Gordon wrote:There is problem with encoding. It cant work with special characters (foreign langs.)
Yep, that's because of the simplicity and lack of understanding for wikipedia this script has. It doesn't do much. If you want something for foreign wikipedia I highly suggest Unofficial Incith Google script (shameless self promotion ) which includes a multi-language, kick-ass wikipedia/wikimedia parser which can actually display information from the wiki page, not just some dumb quicklink crap.
sample from irc wrote:<speechles> !wiki .fr Résultats
<sp33chy? Gestion par résultats | La gestion par résultats (ou GPR), ou axée sur les résultats (GAR), est un mode de gestion qui mise simultanément sur la qualité des services aux citoyens, l'optimisation des ressources disponibles et la conformité aux règles administratives. La GPR constitue aujourd'hui un cadre officiel de gestion pour plusieurs gouvernements. C'est le cas de la Loi sur l'administration
<sp33chy> publique au Québec, la Loi organique sur les lois des finances en France, la Loi générale sur la performance par les résultats (GPRA) au États-Unis...etc. Dans son approche générale, la GPR permet aux gestionnaires publics d'améliorer de manière continue les Résultats de leur organisation. Par résultats, Mazouz et Leclerc (2008) font réfé @ http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gestion_par_r%C3%A9sultats [1
<sp33chy> Redirect(s)]