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Post by awyeah »

Dear everyone,

I write this to to thank everyone for their continuous support on this forum in tcl script development for helping me out in times of despair. I am currently very busy with my own life, and as you might have noticed do not login anymore on to the forum, and since the past year or so I have stopped writing tcl scripts.

Regardless of the fact, that this community in my opinion is the best place I have found for tcl scripts, requests and a help forum, I have made many friends throughout the years, and now it is time to say goodbye. For currently as of now, I know due to my busy schedule I am unable to cope with tcl script development for supporting this community. There is an unlikely chance that I may come back, which however I am not sure, as it is uncertain to predict the future.

I have learned a lot from this community and especially from the people here. At first when I started believe me I couldn't write a simple bind and proc just to say hello on a channel, and from there it started, later I started writing my own scriplets and then later on full scripts.. ofcourse with a huge number of bugs and bulking up big chunks of codes, which in the end pros use to advice me to optimize. Nevertheless there has been many wrants and arguments regarding my codes, and yes most of the time you guys were right :P

So in the end I may say, thank you for helping me out when I needed it, especially to the pros, user, slennox, Sir_Fz, Alchera, demond, rosc2112 and everyone else who's name I forgot to mention. It has been a pleasure serving this community over the years. Thank you people for all the script compliments and yet complaints as I was tcl coder just at beginner level. If I said anything harsh or anything rude, I apologize with sincere gratitude.

Wish everyone here the best of luck for the future. TCL SCRIPTS! Keep them rolling, I do know that they have a big future as far as eggdrops are concerned. I am myself currently working in the field of artificial intelligence and developing intelligent systems. So I hope people here will keep this community alive and serve as we did to make this forum a better place.

Three cheers for slennox and everyone who have helped and supported this community to what it is today, and hopefully will remain and improve further in the future!


Facebook: (Jay Dee)
PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.
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Post by rosc2112 »

You'll be back =)
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Thank you for your help around the forum and for your scripts :) You're always welcome in case you want to stop by from time to time ;)
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Post by swarfega »

Thanks for your scripts, still using some in my bots and very useful.
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Post by eXtremer »

We'll be missing you :cry:
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Post by Domin »

Thanks for your help and time :wink:

Hope you one day will be back :mrgreen:
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Post by Moonster »

I need to get more active on this thing :P

Sorry to see you go bud take care
"Knowledge is Power"
BeastNH/Moonster on Undernet/EFnet IRC Network
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