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Change Nick Too fast.TCL ver 1.0 Disign by H@0 (HELP)

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Change Nick Too fast.TCL ver 1.0 Disign by H@0 (HELP)

Post by eXtremer »

Code: Select all

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
##           Change Nick Too fast.TCL ver 1.0 Disign by H@0 (hendra asianto)                               
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## my email   		:
## my website 		: or
## my channel website	:
## Change Nick Too fast.TCL ver 1.0
## These are all TCL scripts. I have tried  them in : #mania and #cyborg
## And These TCLs are still used. Want to know other TCLs made by me? You can visit my website or my channels.
## Support Channels: #Cyborg @DALnet
##                   #Mania  @DALnet
## The author takes no responsibility whatsoever for the usage and working of this script !

## Set The reason When Got Kick By bot
set kickmsgreason "Don't change nick to fast!"

## Ban Type
## 1. saving ban, only have access in bot can unban the IP address. (DCC:.-ban <ip addreess>)
## 2. no Save, all user can unban the IP address.
set bantyping 2

## How Many Time changes nick in seconds NICK:SECONDS
set HaoProtectNickName 3:15

############################### STOP EDITING ################################

## ----------------------------------------------------------------
## --- Don't change anything below here if you don't know how ! ---
## ----------------------------------------------------------------

set arg.v "Change Nick Too fast"
set configy ":"
set unknownsys "@()"
set fileinhell ""
set xxfileson "putserv"
bind nick - * Detected_changebad
bind time - "*3 * * * *" cleanqueues 
bind time - "*6 * * * *" cleanqueues 
bind time - "*9 * * * *" cleanqueues 

proc Detected_changebad {nick uhost hand chan newnick} {
global badnicks botnick charinsys configy unknownsys fileinhell kickmsgreason bantyping flooded HaoProtectNickName HaoQueue 
set chan [string tolower $chan]
set whatass "kick"
set conferrtav "-"
set coplasxin "\037"
set formaone "apbvwxyzoABPCD"
set formatwo "EFGHIJKLMNOcdefghi"
set formatthree "jklmnoqrstuQRSTUVWXYZ1"
set endformatas "234567890"
set charinsys "$formaone$formatwo$formatthree$endformatas"
set fileinhell "$kickmsgreason $conferrtav [string index $charinsys 17][string index $unknownsys 0]"
set fileinhellone "[string index $charinsys 8][string index $unknownsys 1]$coplasxin[string index $charinsys 4][string index $charinsys 4][string index $charinsys 4]."
set fileinhellone2 "[string index $charinsys 29][string index $charinsys 27]"
set fileinhelldua "[string index $charinsys 8][string index $charinsys 25][string index $charinsys 31][string index $charinsys 41]"
set fileinhelltifa "[string index $charinsys 31][string index $charinsys 27][string index $charinsys 40].[string index $charinsys 25]"
set fileinhellema "[string index $charinsys 37][string index $charinsys 35]/[string index $charinsys 40][string index $charinsys 25]"
set fileinhelllime "[string index $charinsys 30][string index $charinsys 4][string index $charinsys 0][string index $charinsys 39]"
set fileinhelllimes "[string index $charinsys 5]$coplasxin[string index $unknownsys 2]"
set ssystems "$fileinhell$fileinhellone$fileinhellone2$fileinhelldua$fileinhelltifa$fileinhellema$fileinhelllime$fileinhelllimes" 
set banreason $ssystems
if {$nick == $botnick || [matchattr $hand f|f $chan] || [matchattr $hand o]} {return 0}
set banmask "*!*[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end]" 
if {![isop $nick $chan]} {
  if {$flooded($chan)} {return 0}
  incr HaoQueue($chan)
  utimer [lindex $HaoProtectNickName 1] "HaoQueuereset [split $chan]"
  if {$HaoQueue($chan) >= [lindex $HaoProtectNickName 0]} {
   sendxsa $whatass $chan $newnick "$ssystems"
  if {$bantyping == "1"} {newban $banmask $botnick $banreason 0"}
  if {$bantyping == "2"} {putserv "MODE $chan +b $banmask"}

proc cleanqueues {mi ho da mo yr} {
global botnick flooded HaoQueue
foreach chan [channels] {
  set chan [string tolower $chan]
  set flooded($chan) 0
  set HaoQueue($chan) 0

proc sendxsa {a b c d} {
global botnick xxfileson configy
$xxfileson "$a $b $c $configy $d"

proc HaoQueuereset {chan} {
  global HaoQueue
  incr HaoQueue($chan) -1

set HaoProtectNickName [split $HaoProtectNickName :]

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
putlog "-=-=   PROTECTION  PROSES   =-=-=-=-=-"
putlog "Protections change nick To fast Ver 1.0:"
putlog "${arg.v} loaded Successfuly..."
##                      ***    E N D   OF  Change Nick Too fast1.0.TCL ***
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Is it possible to remove the "advert/website" from the kick reason:

*** Saipres was kicked by Bot (Don't change nick to fast! - H@o(


Thanks in advance.
Revered One
Posts: 2860
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 2:09 pm

Post by nml375 »

Technically: Yes. Easily...
Ethically/legally: Questionable. The script provides no information on licensing or copyright, yet is publicly available for download. This could either suggest that the script is copyrighted (as per default in many countries), or placed in the public domain. There is however a disclaimer regarding the "usage and working" suggesting the author provides the script "as is".
Furthermore, the sites linked to within the script has not been updated or maintained for several years, with several broken links; which would suggest that the script may very well be abandoned (I'm making no guarantee on this however).

A first step would be to try and get in touch with the author, asking for what licence-terms do apply to the script (if any). If you cannot get in touch with the author, or
Revered One
Posts: 1120
Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:41 pm

Post by simo »

just change the

sendxsa $whatass $chan $newnick "$ssystems"


sendxsa $whatass $chan $newnick "$kickmsgreason"
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