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IP.Board New Thread Notification (v1.0)

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IP.Board New Thread Notification (v1.0)

Post by Apoc »

First of all, credits to ShavdApe (this post) for the main TCL code, and the idea.

I ported it to IP.Board 2.3.6 (may work on older versions, just edit the message line in the code below)


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# IPB New Thread TCL
# Original by ShavdApe (
# Modified by Apoc for some simple names, and formatting differences. (In case you run vBulletin as well :P)
# Date: 2/25/2009
# Version: 1.0
# Description: Just a simple socket listener to execute an IRC command
# from the PHP script run by an IP.Board installation.

# If you change this port here, you'll need to change it in class_irc_send.php too!
listen 13481 script ipbnewthreadaccept
proc ipbnewthreadaccept {idx} {
	control $idx ipbincoming

proc ipbincoming {idx args} {
	putlog "$args"
	set line [join $args]
	if {[join $args] != "" } 	{
		set chan [lindex $line 0]
		set line [lrange $line 1 end]
		set line [join $line]
		set line [split $line ";"]
		foreach line $line 		{ 
			putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$line" 
		putlog "$line"
	killdcc $idx
putlog "IPB New Thread Notifications Loaded..."
class_irc_send.php (put this in sources/classes/post/ of your IPB installation)

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irc_send class by Apoc (2/25/2009) v1.0

What: A simple class to send out a verified message to an eggdrop IRC bot.
How: Options are set via ACP, and sent via a single socket open/write.
When: Whenever you want to call it! :)

Usage: $irc->send(<forum id>, <message to send>);
Yep, it's that simple.

Credits: ShavdApe (
Apoc - Created this as a class for IP.Board, and made it easier in general to use.


class irc_send
	// Add any allowed forumids here. These will be checked each time you
	// have a new thread created. (This is useful if you don't want certain
	// forums to show a message in IRC. Eg; staff forums)
	// Leave this empty to allow all forums.
	var $allowed_forums = array();

	// Set this to the channel you want to output to in IRC.
	var $irc_channel = '#yourchannel';

	// Put the IP of your bot here.
	// If your bot is running locally, you can usually just
	// set this to localhost.
	var $irc_server_ip = "";

	// Do not change this unless you have changed it in the TCL file as well!!!
	var $irc_server_port = "13481";
	// If you want this class to enable some debug messages. (Logged to this current folder path/irc_debug.txt)
	// set this to true. Otherwise leave it off.
	// It is highly suggested you leave this off once you have everything working!
	var $_enable_debug = false;

	// Main IRC Sending method.
	// Args:
	// @forumId: The forumId of the message being sent.
	// @ircMessage: The actual message to send. This must be pre-formatted. (Excluding <br /> tags, and ; characters.)
	// Returns: Nothing
	function send($forumId, $ircMessage)
		$this->write_debug("\$ircMessage: ".$ircMessage);
		// Make sure we have some valid text passed to us.
		if (!$ircMessage)
		$this->write_debug("IRC Channel: ".$this->irc_channel);
		$this->write_debug("IRC Server IP: ".$this->irc_server_ip);
		$this->write_debug("IRC Server Port: ".$this->irc_server_port);
		// Sanity checks!
		if (!$this->irc_channel || !$this->irc_server_ip || !$this->irc_server_port)
		$this->write_debug("Checking valid forums...");
		// Make sure the forum is valid to be passed to IRC.
		// This makes sure that if our allowed_forums array has any forums in it,
		// that the $forumId var is in that array.
		if (!$this->valid_forum($forumId))

		// Do some IRC splitting and replacing.
		$ircMessage = ereg_replace(";", ":", $ircMessage);
		$ircMessage = ereg_replace("<br />", ";", $ircMessage);
		$this->write_debug("\$ircMessage after replaces: ".$ircMessage);
		$line = "{$this->irc_channel} {$ircMessage}";
		$this->write_debug("\$line: ".$line);

		// open socket and put the line
		$socket = @fsockopen ($this->irc_server_ip, $this->irc_server_port, $null, $null, 30);
		if ($socket)
			$this->write_debug("Got a valid socket. Sending and waiting...");
			$this->write_debug("Done sending. Closing socket");
			$this->write_debug("FAILED TO OPEN SOCKET!!!");
	private function valid_forum($id)
		$this->write_debug("Forum array count: ". count($this->allowed_forums));
		// If we have 0 forums in the array,
		// all forums should be passed. And are therefore, valid.
		if (count($this->allowed_forums) == 0)
			return true;
		$this->write_debug("Id in forum: ($id) - ". in_array($this->allowed_forums));
		// Just return whether the id is in the allowed forums array.
		return in_array($id, $this->allowed_forums);
	private function write_debug($m)
		if (!$this->_enable_debug)
		$f = ROOT_PATH.'sources/classes/post/irc_debug.txt';
		$h = fopen($f, 'a');
		fwrite($h, $m."\n");

Edits for class_post_new.php (In sources/classes/post)

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		// Redirect them back to the topic

Add above:

		// Send out our IRC message
		$irc = new irc_send();
		$line = "New thread posted by {$this->topic['starter_name']} in {$this->forum['name']}<br />";
		$line .= $this->topic['title'] . ' (' . $this->ipsclass->base_url . "showtopic=" . $this->topic['tid'] . ')';		
		$irc->send($this->forum['id'], $line);
Save and upload.

Finally, edit the code in class_irc_send.php to the proper values for your bot. (See the comments for proper values)

Note: If you change the message in the class_new_post.php that gets sent to IRC, make sure you use either '<br />' or '\n' to separate lines. (Reason for XHTML compliant <br /> is that I was going to add ACP configuration at some point. But was just too lazy to do it. :P)

Enjoy, and please leave comments/feedback![/url]
Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:18 am

Post by arejay »

I cannot get this working, i turned on debug (set it to true)

and get this:

Code: Select all

$ircMessage: New thread posted by arejay in Off-Topic<br />test (
IRC Channel: #chat
IRC Server IP:
IRC Server Port: 13481
Checking valid forums...
Forum array count: 0
$ircMessage after replaces: New thread posted by arejay in Off-Topic;test (
$line: #chat New thread posted by arejay in Off-Topic;test (
Got a valid socket. Sending and waiting...
Done sending. Closing socket

and in bot during telnet

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02:00] net: connect! sock 8
[02:00] DNS resolved to
[02:00] Telnet connection:
[02:00] net: eof!(read) socket 13
[02:00] Lost connection while identing []

Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Sep 12, 2009 2:50 am

Post by unavailable »

What about a version to phpBB?
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