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sysinfo tcl

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sysinfo tcl

Post by necroslave »

So I have added sysinfo tcl to my eggdrop bot and when I type ./sysinfo in shell terminal all i work right ... but when i type !sysinfo in irc, my eggdrop shows the numbers ot terminal colours in irc. what can i do:? thanks beforely ... here a logs:

$ ./
Hostname: - OS: NetBSD 4.0/i386 - CPU: Intel Core 2 (Merom) (686-class) (1733.32 MHz) - Processes: 37 - Uptime: 1h 26m - Users: 1 - Load Average: 0.00 - Memory Usage: 39.70MB/255.56MB (15.53%) - Disk Usage: 1.03GB/6.79GB (15.25%)

[02:26:34@15/06/2009] <nt001> ~sysinfo
[02:26:34@15/06/2009] <nt001> [0mHostname[33m: [0m[33m - [0mOS[33m: [0mNetBSD 4.0/i386[33m - [0mCPU[33m: [0mIntel Core 2 (Merom) (686-class) (1733.32 MHz)[33m - [0mProcesses[33m: [0m36[33m - [0mUptime[33m: [0m1h 15m[33m - [0mUsers[33m: [0m1[33m - [0mLoad Average[33m: [0m0.00[33m - [0mMemory Usage[33m: [0m39.93MB/255.56MB (15.62%)[33m - [0mDisk Usage[33m: [0m1.03GB/6.79GB (15.25%)
Revered One
Posts: 2860
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 2:09 pm

Post by nml375 »

If you're not too afraid from modifying code, there's the stripcodes tcl command that can be used to remove ansi-codes among others.
Since I don't know which sysinfo-script you're using, I can't tell you exactly where to add/modify the code, although the change would look something like this:

Code: Select all

puthelp "PRIVMSG $channel :$systeminfo"
##changes into
puthelp "PRIVMSG $channel :[stripcodes a $systeminfo]"
The actual variable names may vary, so the above is just a rough example as to what you should look for, and how to use the stripcodes command..
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