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Post by rabanne »

Hello. Can I do this TCL to show only the lastest 20 lines that are written in the channel?

Code: Select all

set chat_setting(chan) "#Channel"

set chat_setting(file) "/home/ircd/www/radio/chat.html"

set chat_setting(temp) "/home/ircd/www/radio/chat.tmp"

if {![file exists $chat_setting(file)]} {
	set filehand [open $chat_setting(file) w]
	puts -nonewline $filehand ""
	close $filehand

bind pubm - * chat_update

proc chat_update {nick uhost hand chan text} {
	global chat_setting
	if {![string match "* [string tolower $chan ]*" "l [string tolower $chat_setting(chan)] l"]} {
		return 0
	set time [clock format [clock seconds] -format "(%H:%M:%S\)"]
	set date [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%d %B %Y}]
	set text_nick "($nick)"
	set text_form "<b>($date) $time text_nick</b> $text<BR>"
	chat_file $text_form
	return 0

proc chat_file {text} {
	global chat_setting
	set filehand [open $chat_setting(file) r]
	set filehandtemp [open $chat_setting(temp) w]
	set linenum 0
	while {![eof $filehand]} {
		set line [gets $filehand]
		set lines [incr linenum]
		puts $filehandtemp "$line"
	puts -nonewline $filehandtemp "$text"
	close $filehand
	close $filehandtemp
	file rename -force $chat_setting(temp) $chat_setting(file)

putlog "Инсталиран: WebChat.tcl"
Last edited by rabanne on Tue Aug 04, 2009 11:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by tomekk »


Code: Select all

set chat_setting(chan) "#kupa" 

set chat_setting(file) "/home/www/chat.html" 

set chat_setting(temp) "/home/www/chat.tmp" 

if {![file exists $chat_setting(file)]} { 
	set filehand [open $chat_setting(file) w] 
	puts -nonewline $filehand "" 
	close $filehand 

bind pubm - * chat_update 

proc chat_update {nick uhost hand chan text} { 
	global chat_setting 

	if {![string match "* [string tolower $chan ]*" "l [string tolower $chat_setting(chan)] l"]} { 
		return 0 

	set time [clock format [clock seconds] -format "(%H:%M:%S\)"] 
	set date [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%d %B %Y}] 
	set text_nick "($nick)" 
	set text_form "<b>($date) $time text_nick</b> $text<BR>" 
	chat_file $text_form 
	return 0 

proc chat_file {text} { 
	global chat_setting 

	set filehand [open $chat_setting(file) r] 
	set filehandtemp [open $chat_setting(temp) w] 
#	set linenum 0 
#	while {![eof $filehand]} { 
#		set line [gets $filehand] 
#		set lines [incr linenum] 
#		puts $filehandtemp "$line" 
#	} 

	set last_lines [join [lrange [split [read $filehand] "\n"] end-18 end] "\n"]

	puts $filehandtemp $last_lines

	puts -nonewline $filehandtemp "$text" 
	close $filehand 
	close $filehandtemp 
	file rename -force $chat_setting(temp) $chat_setting(file) 

putlog "Инсталиран: WebChat.tcl"
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Post by rabanne »

Ten q ;>
Working Perfectly

...And if you want the last 30 lines should be

set last_lines [join [lrange [split [read $filehand] "\n"] end-28 end] "\n"] ?

for 40

set last_lines [join [lrange [split [read $filehand] "\n"] end-38 end] "\n"] .... etc

How can I make a site to see the numbers of rows? etc:
1. (date) (time) (nick) (text)
2. (date) (time) (nick) (text)
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Post by tomekk »


Code: Select all

# channel
set irc_chan "#channel"

# html file
set channel_file "/home/www/chat.html"

# max lines number
set output_lines 20

bind pubm -|- "*" log_channel

if {![file exists $channel_file]} {
	set create_new [open $channel_file w]
	close $create_new

proc log_channel { nick uhost hand chan text } {
	global irc_chan channel_file output_lines

	if {$irc_chan != $chan} {

	set log_time [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M:%S"] 
	set log_date [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%d %B %Y"] 

	set log_line "<b>($log_date) ($log_time) ($nick) ($text)</b><br>"

	set read_current [open $channel_file r]
	set get_all [split [read $read_current] "\n"]
	close $read_current

	lappend get_all $log_line

	set get_all [lrange $get_all end-$output_lines end]

	set line_idx 1

	set rewrite [open $channel_file w]
	foreach each_line $get_all {
		if {$each_line != ""} {
			regsub {^[0-9]+\. } $each_line "" each_line
			puts $rewrite "$line_idx\. $each_line"
			incr line_idx 1
	close $rewrite

putlog "html-chan-log.tcl"
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Post by rabanne »

You are number one ! :P
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