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the bot fails to GET

General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
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the bot fails to GET

Post by spithash »

does anone have any idea what can be wrong when the bot fails to fetch information from almost all of the !triggers and it just timeouts ?

Code: Select all

(02:02:48) <nagger> I am nagger, running eggdrop v1.6.20
(02:02:48) <nagger> OS: FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE
(02:02:48) <nagger> Tcl library: /usr/local/lib/tcl8.6
(02:02:48) <nagger> Tcl version: 8.6b1 (header version 8.6b1)
the server's dns is all right and i even tried to increase/decrease the trigger's timeout seconds.. no luck.
(01:59:26) <@spithash> !fml
(01:59:27) <@nagger> [FML]: Eof
(01:59:28) <@spithash> !fml
(01:59:30) <@nagger> [FML]: Eof
(01:59:31) <@spithash> !fml
(01:59:32) <@nagger> [FML]: Eof
(01:59:33) <@spithash> !fml
(01:59:35) <@nagger> [FML]: Eof
(01:59:36) <@spithash> !fml
(01:59:37) <@nagger> [FML]: Eof
(01:59:41) <@spithash> !fml
(01:59:44) <@nagger> [FML]: Today, I bought a parakeet for my kids. When I got home and presented it to them, they wanted to let him fly around inside. We went around the house making sure all the windows and
doors were shut. Unfortunately I forgot to turn off the ceiling fan. FML
(02:01:12) <@spithash> !urban pedophile
(02:01:15) <@nagger> [1/7] an adult (chick or dude) who is sexually attracted to young children (Michael Jackson)
(02:01:38) <@spithash> !w arabic fonts
(02:01:40) <@nagger> Wikipedia Error: No html to parse.
(02:01:46) <@spithash> !w zante
(02:01:48) <@nagger> Wikipedia Error: No html to parse.
(02:01:51) <@spithash> !w zante
(02:01:53) <@nagger> Wikipedia Error: No html to parse.
(02:08:05) <@spithash> !w zante
(02:08:08) <@nagger> Wikipedia Error: Sorry, no search results found.
I really thought the problem was the UTF-8 patching but it wasn't. I unpatched and it's still the same.

Despite the fact that if the bot fails to get plenty of triggers, it will just ping timeout and will never come back, the proccess just freezez there and you can't even telnet/dcc chat to it. you have to kill it and re-run it.

I think only with 1.6.20 I had such problems...
Libera ##rtlsdr & ##re - Nick: spithash
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Post by speechles »

Your post sounds similar to this issue above. The problem in both scenarios is likely, very <insert expletive here (rhymes with pretty)> shell providers. The problem isn't that it is timing out. It is that it is given back immediate EOF's, no wait what so ever. This is your "good-ol'" shell providers doing this to you, not the actual "site" you are making queries to. So likely blame them, not us, is a fitting answer..

But..In the case above, I still haven't figured out exactly if this is a "shell provider" issue or an issue within eggdrop itself... So don't go scorning your shell provider yet until we see if anyone else cares to give their interpretation of this giant WTF... ;)
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Post by spithash »

hmmm, i made a tiny bit of research and you got a point, even though that it's not a shell provider, im root to that server. but anyway, this is how it went:
[spithash::bsdunix] mod $ wget ... ev1.tar.gz
--2010-11-23 10:10:04-- ... ev1.tar.gz
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... Read error (Connection reset by peer) in headers.

--2010-11-23 10:10:05-- (try: 2) ... ev1.tar.gz
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... Read error (Connection reset by peer) in headers.

--2010-11-23 10:10:07-- (try: 3) ... ev1.tar.gz
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 66984 (65K) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: “stats.mod.1.3.3.dev1.tar.gz”

100%[====================================================================================>] 66,984 106K/s in 0.6s

2010-11-23 10:10:08 (106 KB/s) - “stats.mod.1.3.3.dev1.tar.gz” saved [66984/66984]

[spithash::bsdunix] mod $
I guess something's blocking it.. hmm
as ive seen in forums, some people needed core ms windows fonts installed on their boxes, thing is, it's very weird cause I got everything installed, it's not that in MY case anyway.

googling this shows some stuff:

Code: Select all

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... Read error (Connection reset by peer) in headers.
hmm, my friend who's maintaining the gateway/router must have done something that blocks straight requests and OBVIOUSLY it has to bypass 'something'. I will look this up and give you the heads up. I think this is it.
Libera ##rtlsdr & ##re - Nick: spithash
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Post by spithash »

Ok, I found out what the problem was. The main server box had too many proccesses running and not much RAM left so it malfunctioned like that.

It had nothing to do with the eggdrop version nor the tcls :)

Sorry for the mess. :)
Libera ##rtlsdr & ##re - Nick: spithash
Click here for troll.tcl
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