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Log events

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Posts: 99
Joined: Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:49 pm

Log events

Post by BigToe »

Hey, I know there a few stats script that are quite useful, but I`m looking for something a bit different.

I need a script that will log and count events (Joins, parts, quits, topic change, nick change, action), the script can be configured for each event so that on the X time an event happens it will announce so in the channel

for example:

[10:58:17] * Kapaa- ( has joined #football
set join_announcement "1000"

<Bot> Kapaa- is the 1000th UNIQUE user to join #football since I started logging (start date log here).

[10:57:21] * tdski ( has joined #football
<Bot> tdski is the 2000th user to join #footbal since I started logging (start date log here)

Same goes for the other events I mentioned above.

Thank you.
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