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Sigh... Eggdrop for Dummies?

General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
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Sigh... Eggdrop for Dummies?

Post by TheAnt317 »

I'm really sorry if I come off as a dummy for this, but I've never set up anything like this. All I want is a remote IRC bot that can log a whole one channel so that I can use the logs for mIRCStats. A Google search turned up Eggdrop and my mind proceeded to be fried.

Anyway, I've followed's setup guide and managed to get to the ./configure part. After doing so, this pops up:

Code: Select all

configure: error:

  Tcl cannot be found on this system.

  Eggdrop requires Tcl and the Tcl development files to compile.
  If you already have Tcl installed on this system, make sure you
  also have the development files (common package names include
  'tcl-dev' and 'tcl-devel'). If I just wasn't looking
  in the right place for it, re-run ./configure using the
  --with-tcllib='/path/to/' and
  --with-tclinc='/path/to/tcl.h' options.

  See doc/COMPILE-GUIDE's 'Tcl Detection and Installation' section for more information.
I tried what it said and it didn't work. Copied the Tcl8.5.11 folder from the main folder into the eggdrop1.6.21 folder and it didn't work. Installed ActiveTcl 8.5.11 and tried to navigate it there and it didn't work.

This is all far too complicated and frustrating for trying to set up an extremely basic (idling) task. I've literally tried at this for hours and gotten nowhere. I'm fresh out of ideas and don't know what to do now.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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Post by nml375 »

For what you are describing, eggdrop might be a bit overworked for your needs. That said, the most common reasons for the error you are experiencing are the following:
  • You've installed tcl using a packet-manager (apt-get, yum, dpkg, etc), but forgot to install the dev or devel package (usually called tcl-dev or tcl-devel).
  • You've compiled and installed tcl yourself, but installed it to a non-standard location (like your home directory). In this case, you should use the --with-tcllib and --with-tclinc options when running (eggdrop's) ./configure to point it to where these files are located. You'll also have to do a few tricks using the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to let the built eggdrop binary find the libs later on.
  • You've downloaded and unpacked the tcl-sources, but didn't build and/or install them. In this case, you need to build (compile) tcl first, install it in an appropriate location (see the docs that comes with tcl, though "make install" usually works well enough); then proceed with building eggdrop.
You should not have to copy or place any tcl-libraries in your eggdrop source folder; eggdrop won't look for these files there anyway.

If your linux distribution has a packet-manager supplying the tcl-libraries and devel-files, and you've got root or admin access, installing tcl this way is probably the easiest way forward.
Posts: 201
Joined: Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:42 am

Post by blake »


Depending on your operating system log in as root using putty and execute one of the following

For operating systems with aptitude such as debian based, including ubuntu use apt-get install tcl8.5-dev

For operating systems such as RedHat, Fedora, CentOS use yum install tcl8.5-dev

Once this has been installed you should be able to successfully install your eggdrop if you dont have root access you will need to contact your hosting provider and ask them to install it for you

Hope this helps you out
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