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Partyline EggDrop bot does not respond to commands

General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
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Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:17 am

Partyline EggDrop bot does not respond to commands

Post by seiko »

I have a problem. The partyline does not respond to any command. Why this is happening?
Here is a log.

Chat with crestin3d
Waiting for acknowledgement...
DCC Chat connection established
<crestin3d> Enter your password.
<seiko> *
<crestin3d> Connected to crestin3d, running eggdrop v1.6.21
<crestin3d> ____ __
<crestin3d> / __/___ _ ___ _ ___/ /____ ___ ___
<crestin3d> / _/ / _ `// _ `// _ // __// _ \ / _ \
<crestin3d> /___/ \_, / \_, / \_,_//_/ \___// .__/
<crestin3d> /___/ /___/ /_/
<crestin3d> Hey seiko! My name is crestin3d and I am running eggdrop v1.6.21, on Linux
<crestin3d> Local time is now 22:17
<crestin3d> You are an owner of this bot. Only +n users can see this! For more info,
<crestin3d> see .help set motd. Please edit the motd file in your bot's 'text'
<crestin3d> directory.
<crestin3d> Use .help for basic help.
<crestin3d> Use .help <command> for help on a specific command.
<crestin3d> Use .help all to get a full command list.
<crestin3d> Use .help *somestring* to list any help texts containing "somestring".
<crestin3d> Have fun.
<crestin3d> Commands start with '.' (like '.quit' or '.help')
<crestin3d> Everything else goes out to the party line.
<crestin3d> ### You have the following note(s) waiting:
<crestin3d> 1. crestin3d (Aug 16 16:48)
<crestin3d> 2. crestin3d (Aug 16 18:38)
<crestin3d> 3. crestin3d (Aug 16 18:38)
<crestin3d> 4. crestin3d (Aug 16 21:13)
<crestin3d> 5. crestin3d (Aug 20 11:59)
<crestin3d> ### Use '.notes read' to read them.
<crestin3d> *** seiko joined the party line.
<seiko> .rehash
<seiko> .notes read
DCC session closed
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