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Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Post by delinquent »

Hello :)

I am looking for a tcl that dows this

Code: Select all

<+delinquent> !filelist -list
<@Eggdrop> Listing file database :
<@Eggdrop> 1. AliciaKeys | 2. Nas 2 | 3. Drake 3 | 4. Rihanna
<@Eggdrop> 5. TwilightSucks | 6. MeganFox | 7. BreakingBad | 8. Supernatural
<@Eggdrop> 9. Barney | 10. Fabolous | 11. Eleven | 12. Kanyw
line 1 , line 2 , line 3 ... etc .. these are the lines in the file from /folder/database

Code: Select all

<+delinquent> !filelist -delete 5
<@Eggdrop> Deleted line number 5 in file database [ TwilightSucks ]
<+delinquent> !filelist -add Justin Bieber sucks
<@Eggdrop> Added line number 12 in file database [ Justin Bieber sucks ]
The tricky part will probably be when i erase lets say line nr 5 .. then the list changes becouse 6 becomes 5 , 7 becomes 6 and so on ..

I hope its doable ....

Thanks a lot in advance !
delinquent @ Undernet

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Post by SpiKe^^ »

Try this forum string for a couple of scripts for working with text files...

If one of them is close, maybe it could be edited to your liking.

Get BogusTrivia at
or visit the New Tcl Acrhive at
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Post by delinquent »

Code: Select all

# EditTextFile Version 0.3 #

# author:  SpiKe^^ #
# e-mail:  spike<at>mytclscripts<dot>com #
# webpage: #

# This file is Copyrighted under the GNU Public License. #
# #

###########  Begin Settings ###########

# set the full route & file name of the file to edit #
set eTxFile(file) {/usr/home/spike/eggdrop/scripts/filename.txt}

# set the channel for this script to run in #
set eTxFile(chan) {#yourchannel}

# set the public trigger for the add line command #
set eTxFile(add) {!addline}

# set the public trigger for the read line command #
set eTxFile(read) {!readline}

# set the public trigger for the edit line command #
set eTxFile(edit) {!editline}

# set the access flags to use the above public commands #
set eTxFile(flags) {o|o}

############  End Settings ############

bind pub $eTxFile(flags) $eTxFile(add) etfProcAdd
bind pub $eTxFile(flags) $eTxFile(read) etfProcRead
bind pub $eTxFile(flags) $eTxFile(edit) etfProcEdit

proc etfProcAdd {nk uh hn ch tx} {
  if {[string tolower $ch] ne [string tolower $::eTxFile(chan)]} { return }
  set tf $::eTxFile(file)
  if {![file exists $tf]} {
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Text file does not exist: $tf"
  set tx [string trim $tx]
  if {$tx eq ""} {
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Correct syntax is: $::eTxFile(add) text to add to the end of the file."
  puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Adding: $tx :to file: [file tail $tf]"
  set id [open $tf a]
  puts $id $tx
  close $id

proc etfProcRead {nk uh hn ch tx} {
  if {[string tolower $ch] ne [string tolower $::eTxFile(chan)]} { return }
  set tf $::eTxFile(file)
  if {![file exists $tf]} {
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Text file does not exist: $tf"
  set tx [string trim $tx]
  if {![string is digit -strict $tx]} {
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Correct syntax is: $::eTxFile(read) line#"
  set tid [open $tf]
  set lnum 0
  while {![eof $tid]} {
    set line [gets $tid]
    if {$line ne ""} {  incr lnum
      if {$lnum==$tx} {
        puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Existing line $lnum text: $line"
  close $tid
  if {$tx>$lnum} {
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :File line $tx doesn't exist ($lnum lines in the file)"

proc etfProcEdit {nk uh hn ch tx} {
  if {[string tolower $ch] ne [string tolower $::eTxFile(chan)]} { return }
  set tf $::eTxFile(file)
  if {![file exists $tf]} {
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Text file does not exist: $tf"
  set tx [split [string trim $tx]]
  if {[llength $tx]<"2" || ![string is digit -strict [lindex $tx 0]]} {
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Correct syntax is: $::eTxFile(edit) line# text to replace original line."
  set find [lindex $tx 0]
  set tx [string trim [join [lrange $tx 1 end]]]
  set new [file dirname $tf]/newfile.tmp
  set nid [open $new w]
  set tid [open $tf]
  set lnum 0
  while {![eof $tid]} {
    set line [gets $tid]
    if {$line ne ""} {  incr lnum
      if {$lnum==$find} {
        puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Replacing existing line $lnum text: $line"
        puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :with the new text line: $tx"
        puts $nid $tx
      } else {  puts $nid $line  }
  close $nid  ;  close $tid
  if {$find>$lnum} {
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :File line $find doesn't exist ($lnum lines in the file)"
    file delete $new
  } else {  file rename -force $new $tf  }
This one is good ... only some small changes .. like ..
instead of !addline !readline !editline there must be

Code: Select all

<+delinquent> !readfile
<@Eggdrop> Reading file filename :
<@Eggdrop> 1. AliciaKeys | 2. Nas 2 | 3. Drake 3 | 4. Rihanna
<@Eggdrop> 5. TwilightSucks | 6. MeganFox | 7. BreakingBad | 8. Supernatural
<@Eggdrop> 9. Barney | 10. Fabolous | 11. Eleven | 12. Kanyw 
<+delinquent> !delline 5
<@Eggdrop> Deleted line number 5 in file filename [ TwilightSucks ]
<+delinquent> !addline Justin Bieber sucks
<@Eggdrop> Added line number 12 in file dilename [ Justin Bieber sucks ] 
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. being the lines in the file .... the lines being small i figured that the eggdrop could put 3 or 4 lines in one sentence ... so if i type !readfile ... and there are 60 lines in the file ... the eggdrop would`t ping timeout ...

i suck at scripting .. that why i ask for so much help ...

Thanks !
delinquent @ Undernet

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