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Alchemical clock script (psuedo-code inside)

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Alchemical clock script (psuedo-code inside)

Post by the_Wizard »

Hey there!

The following is an explanation of a piece of code that i would like to see made by anyone who is willing to give it a try.


According to the ancient philosophy of Alchemy, days, and hours of the day and night are ruled by planets. This works by dividing the time between sunrise and sundown by twelve, each section is an 'alchemical hour of the day', and the same applies to the time between sundown and sunrise. Those are the 'alchemical hours of the night'. The time can then be matched up with this table to see what is the actual alchemical hour:

Data table 1

Data table 2


- msg !alchtime <location>
- for <location> find day of the week, current time, timezone, sunrise moment, sunset moment (using third party site)
- calculate time periods for the alchemical hours of the day, same for the nightly hours, store them temporarily.
- Match up current time to the 'data table 1' to detemine what is the current alchemical hour.
- Translate day of the week to the alchemical planet using 'data table 2'.
- Return the results.

Example input/output

Command: msg !alchtime Haarlem, the Netherlands
Return: Username: For you it iscurrently the hour of Venus, on the day of Mars.

Thanks in advance for your consideration.
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