BogusTrivia is now Immune to the Eggdrop 1.6.21 utimers Bug!!!
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# Eggdrop 1.6.21 Important Note! #
# #
# BogusTrivia is now Immune to the Eggdrop 1.6.21 utimers Bug!!! #
# #
# It may still be best to properly patch the flawed Eggdrop. #
# If you want to utimer patch an Eggdrop 1.6.21 bot, you will #
# need to apply the timerworkaround.patch.gz by Thommey available #
# on at #
# This patch fixes the utimers issue with the Eggdrop 1.6.21 #
# #
# Version Release Notes: #
# #
# BogusTrivia is now Immune to the Eggdrop 1.6.21 utimers Bug!!! #
# #
# New Feature: BogusLimits #
# BogusTrivia can now Limit the number of points any #
# one player can get in any one day (midnight to midnight). #
# #
# New Advanced Custom Points Rounding Settings: #
# By default, BogusTrivia chooses the best points rounding #
# plan, based on your points settings. Now you can choose your #
# preferred points rounding settings for all question values. #
# #
# -> New Settings in This Release: t-2.settings.tcl <- #
# 1. Added five settings to support the new BogusLimits feature. #
# 2. Added four new Advanced Custom Points Rounding settings. #
# 3. Added a setting to control the low end of the bonus points. #
# #
# -> New Updated File: t-2.tcl <- #
# Patched BogusTrivia's game timer functions to where they now #
# ignore bad utimers created due to the Eggdrop utimers bug:) #
# Added code for the new BogusLimits feature & points settings. #
# #
# -> New Updated Files: All 4 Included ReadMe Files <- #
# Added documentation for the new BogusLimits feature and #
# cleaned/updated all the ReadMe files. #
# #
# -> BogusTrivia no longer includes a patch file for BogusHTML <- #
# BogusHTML now has its own new full version release available! #
# Get the new BogusHTML 2.06.4 (BogusTrivia Html Page Maker) #
# from my web site at: #
# #