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change filenames

Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
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change filenames

Post by glennsftn »

Please excuse my noobiness, I’ve just been learning TCL a few days now and have little coding experience except a rudimentary understanding of Expect.

I have a NAS with a bunch of files that I’d like to rename. I want to create a script which will generate the commands to name the files from “this” to “that.” Below is a quick example of how I’m going about this.

Code: Select all


set src1 myfilename1.txt
set src2 myfilename2.txt
set src3 myfilname3.txt
set dst1 mynewfilename1.txt
set dst2 mynewfilename2.txt
set dst3 mynewfilename3.txt
set count 0
set log [open output.txt w]

while { $count < 4 } {
   set count [incr $count]
   set srcName "src$count"
   set dstName "dst$count"
   puts $log "mv $srcName $dstName"

close $log
What I would like the output.txt to be is:

mv myfilename1.txt mynewfilename1.txt
mv myfilename4.txt mynewfilename4.txt

The actual output:
$ cat output.txt
mv src1 dst1
mv src1 dst1
mv src2 dst2
mv src1 dst1
mv src3 dst3
mv src1 dst1
mv src4 dst4
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Post by heartbroken »

Last edited by heartbroken on Tue Mar 24, 2015 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SpiKe^^ »

Maybe this is closer to what you say you want...

Code: Select all


set src(1) "myfilename1.txt"
set src(2) "myfilename2.txt"
set src(3) "myfilname3.txt"
set dst(1) "mynewfilename1.txt"
set dst(2) "mynewfilename2.txt"
set dst(3) "mynewfilename3.txt"
set count 0 
set log [open output.txt w] 

while {$count < 3} { 
   incr count
   set srcName $src($count)
   set dstName $dst($count)
   puts $log "mv $srcName $dstName" 

close $log

You should probably have the tcl script actually do the file renaming, and as mentioned above, mv is not a tcl command:)

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Post by glennsftn »

Thanks guys,

That is exactly what I wanted. The output was to go to a text file which I could copy/paste into an SSH session. It would have been ideal to write this in Expect, as I could send the commands I want within the SSH session, but I didn't know how to do the loop with the variables. I think I have enough now to migrate this over to Expect. I appreciate the help.
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