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Making barbot

Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
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Making barbot

Post by barman »


I want to make a barbot, what i need is this:

- all the drinks with their price
- a database with the credits from the chatters (with a begin of 100 credits)
- a script for paying their bill with that credits and also to donate credits
- the possibility to ask to the bot how many credits they have

Can someone explain to me which scripts/tcl i need to realise this bot?

With friendly regards
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Post by Get_A_Fix »

I think there's either a script on the normal egghelp archives otherwise you may find one on the eggheads FTP site here but the best and more stable scripts are found in directory 1.6 (for eggdrop1.6.21). You can try earlier version scripts, they may work, I think the script was called Bar.tcl or barman.tcl. I am not sure, I have never used that script, I just made my own.
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