MyShows script.

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MyShows script.

Post by Bart »

Code: Select all

# +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# |                                                                                     |
# |                         MyShows v1.0.0                                              |
# |                                                                                     |
# +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# |                                                                                     |
# | *** Website             @                                |
# | *** GitHub              @                 |
# |                                                                                     |
# +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | *** IRC Support:                                                                    |
# |                    #EggdropTCL     @ QuakeNET                                       |
# |                    #EggdropTCL     @ UnderNET                                       |
# |                    #EggdropTCL     @ EfNET                                          |
# |                                                                                     |
# | *** Contact:                                                                        |
# |                    Yahoo Messenger/Mail:                     |
# |                    Google Mail         :                     |
# |                    Skype Messenger     : madalinmen28                               |
# |                                                                                     |
# +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# + *** Commands ***                                                                    |
# |                                                                                     |
# |     +++ !tv <search> [name]                                                         |
# |     +++ !tv [id]                                                                    |
# |                                                                                     |
# | Credits:                                                                            |
# |                                                                                     |
# |     +++ war10ck                                                                     |
# +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

bind PUBM - * myshows

package require json
package require http
package require tls

proc myshows {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
	global temp

	if {[string index $arg 0] in {! . `}} {
		set temp(cmd) [string range $arg 1 end]
		set temp(cmd) [lindex [split $temp(cmd)] 0]
		set arg [join [lrange [split $arg] 1 end]]
	} elseif {[isbotnick [lindex [split $arg] 0]]} {
		set temp(cmd) [lindex [split $arg] 1]
		set arg [join [lrange [split $arg] 2 end]]
	} else { return 0 }

	if {[info commands myshows:$temp(cmd)] ne ""} { myshows:$temp(cmd) $nick $uhost $hand $chan $arg }

proc myshows:tv {nick uhost hand chan arg} {

	switch -exact -- [lindex [split $arg] 0] {
		search {
			#set arg [string map [list " " "%20"] $arg]

			::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -tls1 1]

			http::config -accept "application/json" -useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (X11;Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0"

			if {[catch {
					set token [http::geturl "" \
						-timeout 10000 \
						-method POST \
						-query "\{\"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"method\":\"shows.Search\", \"params\": \{\"query\": \"[join [lrange $arg 1 end]]\"\}, \"id\": 1\}" \
						-type "application/json"]
				} err]} {
				putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :Something went wrong ($err)."; return 0

			set connect [http::data $token]
			set connect [json::json2dict $connect]

			set result [dict get $connect result]

			set temp(canceled) ""; set temp(running) ""; set temp(pause) ""

			foreach line $result {
				if {[string match -nocase *TBD* [dict get $line status]]} { lappend temp(pause) "\00304[dict get $line id]\003 - \00306[dict get $line titleOriginal]" }				
				if {[string match -nocase *ended* [dict get $line status]]} { lappend temp(canceled) "\00304[dict get $line id]\003 - \00306[dict get $line titleOriginal]" }
				if {[string match -nocase *returning* [dict get $line status]]} { lappend temp(running) "\00312[dict get $line id]\003 - \00303[dict get $line titleOriginal]" }

			if {$temp(running) ne ""} { putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\002Running\002: [join $temp(running) ", "]" }
			if {$temp(pause) ne ""} { putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\002Pause\002: [join $temp(pause) ", "]" }						
			if {$temp(canceled) ne ""} { putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\002Canceled/Ended\002: [join $temp(canceled) ", "]" }
			if {$temp(running) ne "" || $temp(pause) ne "" || $temp(canceled) ne ""} { putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - You can now see informations using command \00306!tv \00304id" }
			if {$result eq ""} { putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - Nothing found"; return }
		default {
			if {[isnumber [lindex [split $arg] 0]]} { shows.GetById $chan [lindex [split $arg] 0]; return}

			putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$nick\002 - \002USAGE\002: !tv <search/\[\$id\]> \[\$name\]"

proc shows.GetById {chan id} {

	::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -tls1 1]

	http::config -accept "application/json" -useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (X11;Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0"

	if {[catch {
			set token [http::geturl "" \
				-timeout 10000 \
				-method POST \
				-query "\{\"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"method\": \"shows.GetById\", \"params\": \{\"showId\": \"$id\"\}, \"id\": 1\}" \
				-type "application/json"]
		} err]} {
		putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :Something went wrong ($err)."; return 0
	set connect [http::data $token]
	set connect [json::json2dict $connect]

	set temp(episode-list) [dict get [dict get $connect result] episodes]

	putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\00312[dict get [dict get $connect result] titleOriginal]\003 \037\002/\002\037 \00302Status: \00304[dict get [dict get $connect result] status]\003 \037\002/\002\037 \00302Total Season: \00303\002[dict get [dict get $connect result] totalSeasons]\002\003 - \00306[dict get [dict get $connect result] id]/"
	putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\00302Premiered\003: \00303[dict get [dict get $connect result] started]\003 - \00304\002[dict get [dict get $connect result] ended]\002\003 \037\002/\002\037 \00302Rating: \00304[dict get [dict get $connect result] rating]\003 (Votes: \00304[dict get [dict get $connect result] voted]\003) \037\002/\002\037 \00302Watchers: \00304[dict get [dict get $connect result] watching]\003 \037\002/\002\037 \00302Country: \00304[dict get [dict get $connect result] country]\003"

	set temp(next5) ""; set temp(last5) ""

	foreach episode $temp(episode-list) {
		if {![string match -nocase [dict get $episode airDate] "null"]} { set airDate [expr [clock scan [string map [list "T" " " "+0000" ""] [dict get $episode airDate]]] - [unixtime]] }
		set shortName [dict get $episode shortName]
		set title [dict get $episode title]

		putlog "$airDate -- $shortName -- $title"
		if {![string match -nocase *-* $airDate]} {
			lappend temp(next5) "[list $airDate $shortName $title]"
		} else {
			lappend temp(last5) "[list $airDate $shortName $title]"

	set lsortnext [lsort -index 0 -integer -increasing $temp(next5)]
	set lsortlast [lsort -index 0 -integer -decreasing $temp(last5)]

	set next 0; set last 0

	foreach line $lsortnext {
		incr next

		if {$next <= "3"} { putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\002\037\[\002\037NexT\037\002\]\037\002 \00302Name\003: \00312[lindex $line 2]\003 - \00304[lindex $line 1]\003 airs in \00303[convert:myshows [duration [lindex $line 0]]]" }

	foreach line $lsortlast {
		incr last

		set airDate [string map [list "-" ""] [lindex $line 0]]
		if {$last <= "3"} { putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\002\037\[\002\037LasT\037\002\]\037\002 \00302Name\003: \00312[lindex $line 2]\003 - \00304[lindex $line 1]\003 aired \00303[convert:myshows [duration $airDate]] ago" }

proc convert:myshows {arg} { return [string map [list " years" "y" " year" "y" " months" "m" " month" "m" " weeks" "w" " week" "w" " days" "d" " day" "d" " hours" "h" " hour" "h" " minutes" "m" " minute" "m" " seconds" "s" " second" "s"] $arg] }

putlog "++ \[ - \00304PUBLIC\003 - \00306loaded\003 * \00303MyShows\003 \]"
<User> !tv search The Strain
<Bot> Running: 34435 - The Strain

<User> !tv 34435
<Bot> The Strain / Status: Returning Series / Total Season: 3 -
<Bot> Premiered: Jul/13/2014 - null / Rating: 3.67 (Votes: 14961) / Watchers: 32282 / Country: US
<Bot> [NexT] Name: New York Strong - s03e01 airs in 5d 7h 50m 52s
<Bot> [NexT] Name: Bad White - s03e02 airs in 1w 5d 7h 50m 52s
<Bot> [NexT] Name: First Born - s03e03 airs in 2w 5d 7h 50m 52s
<Bot> [LasT] Name: Night Train - s02e13 airs in 46w 1d 16h 9m 8s
<Bot> [LasT] Name: Fallen Light - s02e12 airs in 47w 1d 16h 9m 8s
<Bot> [LasT] Name: Dead End - s02e11 airs in 48w 1d 16h 9m 8s
Thank you for the myshows.tcl, Madalin. Also thanks to Sergio\RN.
Download on GitHub
Topic created by agreement with the Madalin
In the script there are some drawbacks. Please write if you find something.

Post by Bart »

If I replace

Code: Select all

			foreach line $result {
				if {[string match -nocase *TBD* [dict get $line status]]} { lappend temp(pause) "\00304[dict get $line id]\003 - \00306[dict get $line titleOriginal]" }				
				if {[string match -nocase *ended* [dict get $line status]]} { lappend temp(canceled) "\00304[dict get $line id]\003 - \00306[dict get $line titleOriginal]" }
				if {[string match -nocase *returning* [dict get $line status]]} { lappend temp(running) "\00312[dict get $line id]\003 - \00303[dict get $line titleOriginal]" }


Code: Select all

set z_ 0
foreach line $result {
if {[string match -nocase *ended* [dict get $line status]]} { 
incr z_
lappend temp(canceled) "\002${z_}\017. [dict get $line id] - [dict get $line titleOriginal]" }

if {[string match -nocase *TBD* [dict get $line status]]} { 
incr z_
lappend temp(pause) "\002${z_}\017. [dict get $line id] - [dict get $line titleOriginal]" }

if {[string match -nocase *returning* [dict get $line status]]} { 
incr z_
lappend temp(running) "\002${z_}\017. [dict get $line id] - [dict get $line titleOriginal]" }
Then I can get the number,
<User> !tv search Vikings
<Bot> Running: 1. 29471 - Vikings, 5. 39024 - Den siste viking
<Bot> Canceled/Ended: 2. 27540 - Vikings, 3. 30436 - Tales of the Vikings, 4. 25742 - Whale Wars: Viking Shores, 6. 49785 - Vikings: Athelstan's Journal, 7. 38341 - Blood of the Vikings, 8. 30661 - There's A Viking In My Bed
<Bot> User - You can now see informations using command !tv id
A little uncomfortable to write/copy ID. Instead, we can do something like:
<User> !tv -1 Vikings
and get info about "1. 29471 - Vikings"

Can anyone suggest how to do it?
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