Code: Select all
proc wordwrap {text max} {
set len [string length $text]
while {$len} {
if {$len > $max} {
set cut [string range $text 0 [expr $max - 1]]
set output [string range $cut 0 [string last " " $cut]]
set text [string range $text [string length $output] end]
incr len -$max
} else {
set output [string range $text 0 $len]
set len 0
puts "output: $output"
Code: Select all
% set text "Evening, can anyone help me with a code that will split the text in two lines (getting all the text in does 2 lines) if its bigger than a max length ? Thanks"
Evening, can anyone help me with a code that will split the text in two lines (getting all the text in does 2 lines) if its bigger than a max length ? Thanks
% wordwrap $text 80
output: Evening, can anyone help me with a code that will split the text in two lines
output: (getting all the text in does 2 lines) if its bigger than a max length ? Thank
% wordwrap $text 50
output: Evening, can anyone help me with a code that will
output: split the text in two lines (getting all the text
output: in does 2 lines) if its bigger than a max length
output: ? Thanks
% wordwrap $text 100
output: Evening, can anyone help me with a code that will split the text in two lines (getting all the text
output: in does 2 lines) if its bigger than a max length ? Thanks
Code: Select all
proc Trivia247:wraptext {chan text characters} {
set len [string length $text]
putlog $len
while {$len} {
if {$len > $characters} {
set cut [string range $text 0 [expr $characters - 1]]
set output [string range $cut 0 [string last " " $cut]]
set text [string range $text [string length $output] end]
incr len -$characters
} else {
set output [string range $text 0 $len]
set len 0
putlog "$output"
putlog "[string length $output]"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$output"
Channel:[18:09:03] 1499
[18:09:03] BONUS +14:
[18:09:03] 44
[18:09:03] 0
[18:09:03] 0
[18:09:03] InmcemanmamavutmlocmprimamparticiparemamRomanieimlamunmturneumfinalmalmCampionatuluimMondialInmc
[18:09:03] 300
Don`t why... from your example it should work.<Androo> BONUS +14:
<Androo> InmcemanmamavutmlocmprimamparticiparemamRomanieimlamunmturneumfinalmalmCampionatuluimMondialInmc
<Androo> 1st Hint: *** +12 Bonus
<Androo> 2nd Hint: d** +10 Bonus
<Androo> 3rd Hint: *aa +8 Bonus
Code: Select all
proc wordwrap {str {len 70} {splitChr { }}} {
set out [set cur {}]; set i 0
foreach word [split [set str][set str ""] $splitChr] {
if {[incr i [string len $word]]>$len} {
lappend out [join $cur $splitChr]
set cur [list $word]
set i [string len $word]
} else {
lappend cur $word
incr i
lappend out [join $cur $splitChr]