we have been using this tcl for a while for 1 channel and it seems to work fine if used for just 1 channel altho im not sure if its proper written cause when we enable it for multiple channels it doesnt seem to trigger for all channels i have been testing with this for a while
but i cant get it to clear bans on all enabled channels and also i wonder if there is a way to send the mode #channel b with a delay incase multiple channels are enabled to prevent to send all in 1 go the way it is now and may result in possible disconnect due too commands flood perhaps also i noticed in the putlog "«4» - $chan - $Testclearbans($chan)" it doesnt show all stacked banmasks sometimes the last one in the list is cut and not the entire banmask has been stored for some reason not sure how to make sure only complete and actuall existing banmasks are stored.
Code: Select all
bind cron - {* * * * *} Tester-botbans-clear:cron
setudef flag checkbotbans
proc Tester-botbans-clear:cron {min hour day month weekday} {
global Testclearbans clearbotbans_throttle
foreach channel [channels] {
set channel [string tolower $channel]
if {![channel get $channel checkbotbans]} continue
if {![botisop $channel]} { continue }
set Testclearbans($channel) {}
bind raw - 367 ClearBN:BindS:RawX
bind raw - 368 ClearBN:BindS:RawX
putserv "MODE $channel b"
putlog "«1» - mode $channel b"
proc ClearBN:BindS:RawX {from key text} {
global Testclearbans
set Testclearbans(max) 10
switch -- $key {
367 {
lassign [split $text] bot chan mask
set chan [string tolower $chan]
if {![info exists Testclearbans($chan)]} return
if {[lsearch $Testclearbans($chan) $mask] > -1} return
if {![regexp {U\:|m\:G|u\:G\:|N\:} $mask]} { lappend Testclearbans($chan) $mask }
putlog "«3» - $chan - $mask"
368 {
lassign [split $text] bot chan
set chan [string tolower $chan]
unbind raw - 367 ClearBN:BindS:RawX
unbind raw - 368 ClearBN:BindS:RawX
if {![info exists Testclearbans($chan)]} { return 0 }
putlog "«4» - $chan - $Testclearbans($chan)"
set len [llength $Testclearbans($chan)]
set total 0
if {$len > 0} {
while {$len > 0} {
if {$len > $Testclearbans(max)} {
set mode [string repeat "b" $Testclearbans(max)]
set masks [join [lrange $Testclearbans($chan) 0 [expr {$Testclearbans(max) - 1}]]]
set Testclearbans($chan) [lrange $Testclearbans($chan) $Testclearbans(max) end]
incr len -$Testclearbans(max)
incr total $Testclearbans(max)
} else {
set mode [string repeat "b" $len]
set masks [join $Testclearbans($chan)]
incr total $len
set len 0
incr counter 1
after [expr {$counter*4000}] [list putnow "MODE $chan -$mode $masks"]
notice (channel #test has no bans in it yet is still displays «4») the other channels have bans set and yet dont display in any of the putlogs except the first wich checks if the mode $chan b is actually sent.
«1» - mode #test b
«1» - mode #cappuccino b
«1» - mode #chat b
«1» - mode #rifchat b
«1» - mode #rifsytes b
«1» - mode #lahore-relay b
«4» - #test -
«1» - mode #test b
«1» - mode #cappuccino b
«1» - mode #chat b
«1» - mode #rifchat b
«1» - mode #rifsytes b
«1» - mode #lahore-relay b
«4» - #test -
«1» - mode #test b
«1» - mode #cappuccino b
«1» - mode #chat b
«1» - mode #rifchat b
«1» - mode #rifsytes b
«1» - mode #lahore-relay b
«4» - #test -
«1» - mode #test b
«1» - mode #cappuccino b
«1» - mode #chat b
«1» - mode #rifchat b
«1» - mode #rifsytes b
«1» - mode #lahore-relay b
«4» - #test -
«1» - mode #test b
«1» - mode #cappuccino b
«1» - mode #chat b
«1» - mode #rifchat b
«1» - mode #rifsytes b
«1» - mode #lahore-relay b
«4» - #test -
«1» - mode #test b
«1» - mode #cappuccino b
«1» - mode #chat b
«1» - mode #rifchat b
«1» - mode #rifsytes b
«1» - mode #lahore-relay b
«4» - #test -
«1» - mode #test b
«1» - mode #cappuccino b
«1» - mode #chat b
«1» - mode #rifchat b
«1» - mode #rifsytes b
«1» - mode #lahore-relay b
«4» - #test -
«1» - mode #test b
«1» - mode #cappuccino b
«1» - mode #chat b
«1» - mode #rifchat b
«1» - mode #rifsytes b
«1» - mode #lahore-relay b
«4» - #test -
«1» - mode #test b
«1» - mode #cappuccino b
«1» - mode #chat b
«1» - mode #rifchat b
«1» - mode #rifsytes b
«1» - mode #lahore-relay b
«4» - #test -
«1» - mode #test b
«1» - mode #cappuccino b
«1» - mode #chat b
«1» - mode #rifchat b
«1» - mode #rifsytes b
«1» - mode #lahore-relay b
«4» - #test -
«1» - mode #test b
«1» - mode #cappuccino b
«1» - mode #chat b
«1» - mode #rifchat b
«1» - mode #rifsytes b
«1» - mode #lahore-relay b
«4» - #test -
Thanks in advance.