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regex exp

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regex exp

Post by Gulio »

how can i get exp regex to get nick iden ip and via WEBIRC info

and nick iden ip continent country countrycode this info

On Connect to be 1 regex for all this 3 info notice

Code: Select all

	if {[string match *!*@* $from] || ![string match -nocase "*client connecting*"  $text] || ![string match -nocase "*is connecting from IP*"  $text]} { return }
	regexp {:\ ([^ ]+)\s\(([^@]+)@([^\)]+)\)\s\[([^\]]+)} $text - nick ident host ip secure reputation via WEBIRC continent country countrycode

Code: Select all

[18:09:46] -NOTICE- *** Client connecting: ENDRI (Mibbit@ [] [class: clients] [secure: TLSv1.3-TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256] [reputation: 36] 

[18:51:55] *** sends: *** Nick: ENDRI Ident: Mibbit is connecting from IP: via WEBIRC

[18:51:55] *** sends: *** Nick:ENDRI Ident: Mibbit is connecting from IP: (Europe/IT) Italy
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Post by Gulio »

is give me 1 error her e how to fix this ?

Code: Select all

[06:04:31] Tcl error [massconnectflood]: can't read "host": no such variable

Code: Select all

set mhrp(flood) 10:30
set mhrp(nicks) {}
set mhrp(on) 0
set mhrp(exclude) {"*secure*" "*" "*"}

set mhrp(chanmode) "#test #test1 #test2 #test3"

set chanrep "#services"

bind raw - NOTICE massconnectflood
proc massconnectflood {from key text} {
	if { $::mhrp(on) == 1 } { return }
	if {[string match *!*@* $from] || (![string match "*Client connecting*" $text] && ![string match "*is connecting from IP*" $text])} { return }
	regexp {:\ ([^ ]+)\s\(([^@]+)@([^\)]+)\)\s\[([^\]]+)} $text - nick ident host ip
	foreach exclude $::mhrp(exclude) {
		if {[string match -nocase $exclude $host] } { return }
	if {[string match *secure* $text]} { return }
	if {[string match *WEBIRC* $text]} { return }
raw notiice

Code: Select all

[06:28:28] [@] irc.test.com1 NOTICE X :*** Client connecting: Aldoo (Mibbit@ [] [reputation: 1760] 
[06:28:28] [@] irc.test.com2 NOTICE X :*** Nick: Aldoo Ident: Mibbit is connecting from IP: via WEBIRC
[06:28:28] [@] irc.test.com3 NOTICE X :*** Nick: Aldoo Ident: Mibbit is connecting from IP: (Europe/IT) Italy
Last edited by Gulio on Mon Aug 02, 2021 8:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by CrazyCat »

You can't use only one regex to parse 3 different strings.

your regexp works for the normal connection notice, the two other don't have the hostmask.

The question you have to ask yourself is why do you want to parse the 3 strings as you're checking a connexion flood, so only the first one is important ?
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Post by Gulio »

CrazyCat cozz 1 website dont have tls secure connection only the notice info input of connected via WEBIRC,
also on connection is not trigger when blacklist match them first is trigger only when is find 10 user from the website without secure for that i added that second string to match via webirc so cant trigger on mass connection
The bot need to trigger only when 10 connection for 30 seconds dont have secure connection and dont have connected via webirc. Is work in 1 network with 1 server but on other network with 5 servers linked hub is not work is trigger from 3 5 connection of website without tls secure.

Code: Select all

[14:15:52] -NOTICE- *** Client connecting: Aurelia (aurelia@ [] [class: clients] [reputation: 1290]
[14:15:52] -NOTICE- *** Client connecting: Aileen (aileen@ [] [class: clients] [reputation: 633]
[14:15:52] -NOTICE- *** Client connecting: Diana (diana@ [] [class: clients] [reputation: 766]
[14:15:52] -NOTICE- *** Client connecting: Karen (karen@ [] [class: clients] [reputation: 421]
[14:15:52] -NOTICE- *** Client connecting: Clemmy ( [] [class: clients] [reputation: 770]
[14:15:52] -NOTICE- *** Client connecting: Dinny (dinny@ [] [class: clients] [reputation: 58]
[14:15:52] -NOTICE- *** Client connecting: Calli (calli@ [] [class: clients] [reputation: 731]
[14:15:52] -NOTICE- *** Client connecting: Sibylla (sibylla@ [] [class: clients] [reputation: 1225]
[14:15:52] -NOTICE- *** Client connecting: Oneida (oneida@ [] [class: clients] [reputation: 2294]
[14:15:53] -NOTICE- *** Client connecting: Beverly (beverly@ [] [class: clients] [reputation: 784]
[14:15:53] *** Returning because MASSCONNFLUD is not currently enabled

Code: Select all

set mhrp(flood) 10:30
set mhrp(nicks) {}
set mhrp(on) 0
set mhrp(exclude) {"*secure*" "*" "*"}

set mhrp(chanmode) "#test #test1 #test2 #test3"

set chanrep "#test"

bind raw - NOTICE massconnectflood
proc massconnectflood {from key text} {
	putlog "*** Executing \{[info level 0]\}"
	if { $::mhrp(on) == 1 } { putlog "*** Returning because MASSCONNFLUD is not currently enabled" ; return }
	if {[string match *!*@* $from] || (![string match "*Client connecting*" $text] && ![string match "*is connecting from IP*" $text])} { return }
	regexp {:\ ([^ ]+)\s\(([^@]+)@([^\)]+)\)\s\[([^\]]+)} $text - nick ident host ip
	if {![info exists host]} { return }
	foreach exclude $::mhrp(exclude) {
		if {[string match -nocase $exclude $host] } { return }
	if {[string match *secure* $text]} { return }
	if {[string match *WEBIRC* $text]} { return }
	set target [split $::mhrp(flood) :]
	set max [lindex $target 0]
	set seconds [lindex $target 1]
	lappend ::mhrp(nicks) $nick
	# we append $mhrp(nicks) with the new connection
	utimer $seconds [list remnick $nick]
	# we will remove this entry in $seconds (5)
	if {[llength $::mhrp(nicks)] >= $max} {
		#putlog "*** MASSCONNFLUD triggered"
		# comparing size of mhrp(nicks) and target
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $::chanrep :!gline on"
		set ::mhrp(on) 1
		set ::mhrp(nicks) {}
		utimer 60 [list massconnectunflood]
		#putlog "utimer 60 [list massconnectunflood]"
		foreach chan $::mhrp(chanmode) {
			putserv "SAMODE $chan +W"
			#putlog "Setting +W on $chan"


proc massconnectunflood {} {
	#putlog "*** Executing \{[info level 0]\}"
	puthelp "PRIVMSG $::chanrep :!gline off"
	set ::mhrp(on) 0
	#putlog "$::mhrp(on) 0"
	foreach chan $::mhrp(chanmode) {
		putserv "SAMODE $chan -W"


proc remnick {nick} {
	#putlog "*** Executing \{[info level 0]\}"
	set ::mhrp(nicks) [lreplace $::mhrp(nicks) [lsearch $::mhrp(nicks) $nick] [lsearch $::mhrp(nicks) $nick]]
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Post by CrazyCat »

Ok, so as alway, you didn't give all the informations and your examples are incomplete.

As I said, you have to use 2 regexp:

Code: Select all

if {[string match *!*@* $from] || (![string match "*Client connecting*" $text] && ![string match "*is connecting from IP*" $text])} { return }
if {[string match "*Client connecting*" $text]} {
	regexp {:\ ([^ ]+)\s\(([^@]+)@([^\)]+)\)\s\[([^\]]+)} $text - nick ident host ip
} else {
	regexp {Nick:\ ([^\ ]+).+Ident:\ ([^\ ]+).+IP:\ ([0-9\.]+).+$} $text - nick ident ip
	set host $ip
Note that in case of mibbit user, the ident will alway be "Mibbit" (if your examples are right) and the host will be the IP.
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Post by Gulio »

Crazycat thx but can be to match as secure: the text via WEBIRC to not trigger so i can use as exclude via WEBIRC same as secure and host ?
the host can be reverse or ip depend from users provider host is other and the ip is other but on this notice is nick iden ip connected via WEBIRC
clonex and proxy can set iden MIbbit but they are not via WEBIRC for that when is match via WEBIRC to not send msg when the 10 conn are connectedt without via WEBIRC the bot need to trigger also without secure tsl connection same.

Code: Select all

[06:28:28] [@] irc.test.com2 NOTICE X :*** Nick: Aldoo Ident: Mibbit is connecting from IP: via WEBIRC
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Re: hi

Post by CrazyCat »

Gulio wrote:Crazycat thx but can be to match as secure: the text via WEBIRC to not trigger so i can use as exclude via WEBIRC same as secure and host ?

Code: Select all

[06:28:28] [@] irc.test.com2 NOTICE X :*** Nick: Aldoo Ident: Mibbit is connecting from IP: via WEBIRC
Sorry but:
1. this is not your initial demand
2. I don't understand what you want
3. your example lack of explanation
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Post by Gulio »

I want to get this nick - iden - ip - via WEBIRC
with rEgex u did to read and via WEBIRC so i can exclude the 10 connection in 30 seconds with via WEBIRC who are from website
and bot to triger only when 10 connection are without "secure" && "via WEBIRC"

Code: Select all

regexp {Nick:\ ([^\ ]+).+Ident:\ ([^\ ]+).+IP:\ ([0-9\.]+).+$} $text - nick ident ip via WEBIRC
to be excluded as here

Code: Select all

   if {[string match *secure* $text]} { return }
   if {[string match *WEBIRC* $text]} { return }
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Post by Gulio »

Here i mean to exclude connection with "via webirc" same how is for "secure "connection

Code: Select all

regexp {Nick:\ ([^\ ]+).+Ident:\ ([^\ ]+).+IP:\ ([0-9\.]+).+$} via WEBIRC} $text - nick ident ip via WEBIRC

Code: Select all

set mhrp(flood) 10:30
set mhrp(nicks) {}
set mhrp(on) 0
set mhrp(exclude) {"*" "*"}

set mhrp(chanmode) "#test #test1 #test2 #test3"

set chanrep "#services"

bind raw - NOTICE massconnectflood
proc massconnectflood {from key text} {

	if { $::mhrp(on) == 1 } { return }
	if {[string match *!*@* $from] || (![string match "*Client connecting*" $text] && ![string match "*is connecting from IP*" $text])} { return }
	if {[string match "*Client connecting*" $text]} {
		regexp {:\ ([^ ]+)\s\(([^@]+)@([^\)]+)\)\s\[([^\]]+)} $text - nick ident host ip
	} else {
		regexp {Nick:\ ([^\ ]+).+Ident:\ ([^\ ]+).+IP:\ ([0-9\.]+).+$} $text - nick ident ip
		set host $ip
	foreach exclude $::mhrp(exclude) {
		if {[string match -nocase $exclude $host] } { return }
	if {[string match *secure* $text]} { return }
	if {[string match *WEBIRC* $text]} { return }
	set target [split $::mhrp(flood) :]
	set max [lindex $target 0]
	set seconds [lindex $target 1]
	lappend ::mhrp(nicks) $nick
	# we append $mhrp(nicks) with the new connection
	utimer $seconds [list remnick $nick]
	# we will remove this entry in $seconds (5)
	if {[llength $::mhrp(nicks)] >= $max} {
		# comparing size of mhrp(nicks) and target
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $::chanrep :!gline on"
		set ::mhrp(on) 1
		set ::mhrp(nicks) {}
		utimer 60 [list massconnectunflood]
		foreach chan $::mhrp(chanmode) {
			putserv "SAMODE $chan +W"

proc massconnectunflood {} {
	puthelp "PRIVMSG $::chanrep :!gline off"
	set ::mhrp(on) 0
	foreach chan $::mhrp(chanmode) {
		putserv "SAMODE $chan -W"


proc remnick {nick} {
	set ::mhrp(nicks) [lreplace $::mhrp(nicks) [lsearch $::mhrp(nicks) $nick] [lsearch $::mhrp(nicks) $nick]]
Last edited by Gulio on Mon Aug 02, 2021 10:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 74
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2020 11:53 am


Post by Gulio »

CrazyCat in my test network works is match 10 connection but in real network with 5 server hub link is not match read 10 mass connection maybe script read only local not remote ?

now is set mode and send msg 2 min after mass connection and repeating send msg why ?
need only 1 time to send msg !gline on not every 1 min after is send !gline off

Code: Select all

[17:41:46] *** sends: *** G-Line added for *@ on Mon Aug 2 14:41:48 2021 GMT 
[17:41:46] *** sends: *** G-Line added for *@ on Mon Aug 2 14:41:48 2021 GMT 
[17:41:46] *** sends: *** G-Line added for *@ on Mon Aug 2 14:41:48 2021 GMT
[17:41:46] *** sends: *** G-Line added for *@ on Mon Aug 2 14:41:48 2021 GMT
[17:41:46] *** sends: *** G-Line added for *@ on Mon Aug 2 14:41:48 2021 GMT
[17:41:46] *** sends: *** G-Line added for *@ on Mon Aug 2 14:41:48 2021 GMT 
[17:41:46] *** sends: *** G-Line added for *@ on Mon Aug 2 14:41:48 2021 GMT 
[17:41:46] *** sends: *** G-Line added for *@ on Mon Aug 2 14:41:48 2021 GMT
[17:41:46] *** sends: *** G-Line added for *@ on Mon Aug 2 14:41:48 2021 GMT
[17:41:46] *** sends: *** G-Line added for *@ on Mon Aug 2 14:41:48 2021 GM

[17:43:45] <X> !gline on
[17:44:46] <X> !gline off

[17:45:54] <X> !gline on
[17:46:54] <X> !gline off
[17:48:38] <X> !gline on

[17:43:45] * sets mode: +W 
[17:44:46] * sets mode: -W 
[17:45:54] * sets mode: +W 
[17:46:54] * sets mode: -W 
[17:48:38] * sets mode: +W 

Code: Select all

[18:33:40] <~X> !gline on

[17:33:40] 10 30
[17:33:40] 10
[17:33:40] 30
[17:33:40] 1

[17:34:40] ::mhrp(on) 0

[18:34:40] <~X> !gline off
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