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Auto Rehash

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Auto Rehash

Post by ORATEGOD »

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proc rehash { } {
	global chanlist

	foreach channel [array names chanlist] { 
	putquick "PRIVMSG $channel :Ejecutando Rehash Automatico" 

settimer rehash 3600 rehash

I found this TCL but I can't get it to work, I hope someone can help me.

Thank you so much !
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Post by SpiKe^^ »

My first thought is that you are replacing the built in Eggdrop rehash command with one of your own that no longer rehashes the bot at all:)

...and settimer is not an eggdrop tcl command I'm aware of.

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Post by Fire-Fox »

I thing you neeed

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utimer <seconds> <tcl-command> [count [timerName]]
Description: executes the given Tcl command after a certain number of seconds have passed. If count is specified, the command will be executed count times with the given interval in between. If you specify a count of 0, the utimer will repeat until it’s removed with killutimer or until the bot is restarted. If timerName is specified, it will become the unique identifier for the timer. If timerName is not specified, Eggdrop will assign a timerName in the format of “timer<integer>”.

Returns: a timerName

Module: core
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Post by CrazyCat »

Don't touch the rehash native function, bind the pre-rehash

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bind evnt - prerehash nrehash
proc nrehash {type} {
   foreach channel [array names chanlist] {
      putquick "PRIVMSG $channel :Ejecutando Rehash Automatico"
utimer 3600 rehash 0
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