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Any solutions?

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Post by galaxyboy »


I would like to design a script where it would allow users with specific flags to
'/msg BOT auth <password>' so that the user can perform custom commands which I would want to code and require authentication.

Is there anyway to code the authentication part where the users have to auth before it can perform commands? It has also got to auto deauth when It detects the user quitting from the IRC client. Just like when we usually /dcc chat <bot> and enter our passwords. When we get disconnected or quit, the bot would auto detect it and the next time we come online, we would have to enter the password again right? If there's a way to code this kind of script, where can I read about it or how do I code it?

Thanks :smile:
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Post by stdragon »

Sure, just about anything is possible.

There are already scripts that do similar things, check through the script archive on this website.

The basic idea is to use user-defined flags (capital letters) to say when a user is authenticated or not.

Like if you do, /msg bot identify stdragon baaaaa, then your script should do "chattr stdragon +A" and maybe add my current exact hostmask temporaril. The A flag would mean "Authorized" for your script.

Have part/kick/quit/split binds to do "chattr handle -A" and also delete the user's hostmask whenever the bot loses sight of him.

Then rebind all the builtin msg commands and stuff to use the +A flag, so that only authorized users can use them.

Anyway, that's the basic idea.

Post by galaxyboy »

Hey stdragon, thanks for your comment and help :smile:

I'll try scripting it. If I face any problems, I'll post a reply here again :smile:

Anyway, do you happen to know any of such script where I can take a look and get some ideas? Any recommendation? That would be great.
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Post by ppslim »

Many public commands scripts.

DOwnload a few from the tcl archive on