im using this tcl wich checks join parts and sets ban if they join and part within 3 seconds and if multiple nicks join part it sets +R as well, but for some reason it sets +R even if a nick (who was already on channel) just parts and then a join part happens by another nick right after that while we only want a +R set if multipl nicks are join parting within lets say 5 seconds while we check for join parts itselve if its within 3 seconds to set ban
this is what we work with atm:
Code: Select all
bind part - * join-part:flooding
proc join-part:flooding {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global botnick jpartfld ChanJPFlood
if {[isbotnick $nick] || ![botisop $chan]} { return }
if {[matchattr $hand b] || [matchattr $hand fom|fom $chan]} { return }
if {[getchanjoin $nick $chan] >= [expr {[clock seconds]-2}]} {
set TargHost "*!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]"
if {![ischanban $TargHost $chan]} { pushmode $chan +b $TargHost }
incr jpartfld($chan)
if {![info exists ::jpartfldchk($chan)]} { set ::jpartfldchk($chan) [after [expr {20*1000*1}] [list unset -nocomplain ::jpartfldchk($chan)]] }
if {$jpartfld($chan) >= 2} { jpflod:lock2024 $chan $TargHost ; set jpartfld($chan) 0 ; return 0 }
proc JP:flood:list u {
global ChanJPFlood
if {[info exists ChanJPFlood($u)]} { incr ChanJPFlood($u) -1 }
proc jpflod:lock2024 {chan banmask} {
global jpflnick_flooded
if {![info exists jpflnick_flooded($chan)]} {
set jpflnick_flooded($chan) 1
if {![regexp R [getchanmode $chan]]} { pushmode $chan +R }
if {![regexp M [getchanmode $chan]]} { pushmode $chan +M }
after [expr {10*1000*1}] [list jpflod:unlock2024 $chan]
utimer 5 [list unset -nocomplain ::jpflnick_flooded($chan)]
proc jpflod:unlock2024 {chan} {
global unbanjpflnick_flooded
if {![info exists unbanjpflnick_flooded($chan)]} {
set unbanjpflnick_flooded($chan) 1
if {[regexp R [getchanmode $chan]]} { pushmode $chan -R }
if {[regexp M [getchanmode $chan]]} { pushmode $chan -M }
utimer 5 [list unset -nocomplain ::unbanjpflnick_flooded($chan)]