Put it this way, you have made one of the better efforts than some, and there will likely be loads of help available to you now.
You are quite correct about this windrop issue, and there error that occurs.
There are 2 possible ways around this.
1 is to downgrade to eggdrop 1.4.*. According to the windrop FAQ on
http://windrop.sf.net/ this error started in eggdrop 1.5.3, which shows signs of a eggdrop issue, but I am having a hard time, tracing where the problem started.
2, Tcllib, which is a seperate download, provides Tcl based support for being a FTP client. This, using pure script, you avoice any exe, or calls to other applications.
I would recomend the second.
Download Tcllib from
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/tcll ... p?download
Next, you will need to save the directory structure under the lib directory of the windrop directory. I have not looked at this, but in theory, it should look like "windropdir/lib/packagename/". This you are on your own with for now.
Next, at the very time of your script, on a line of it's own, place the line "package requiree ftp". This will load the ftp package.
At the point of upload, you use the following code. replace anything within <> with the correct values.
Code: Select all
if {[set ftpsock [ftp::open <SERVER> <USERNAME> <PASSWORD> <*>]] != -1} {
if {![ftp::put $ftpsock <LOACLFILE> <REMOTEFILE>]} {
putlog "Failed upload on FTP socket $ftpsock"
ftp::close $ftpsock
ftp::close $ftpsock
} else {
putlog "Failed to connect to FTP server"
If the port of the FTP server is different to the standard port, than replace the <*> with "-port <PORT>" without the quotes, you can otherwise remove it.