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Error on tcl script from vbulletin hack (users chatting)

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Error on tcl script from vbulletin hack (users chatting)

Post by Twin-x »


I am having problems running this script. It is used to make the users in chat visible on the forums page of my bulletinboard. I can't get it working.

Is there someone there that can please help me?

Thank you in advance.

The error while loading eggdrop

Code: Select all

Eggdrop v1.6.3  (c)1997 Robey Pointer (c)1999, 2000  Eggheads
[13:06] --- Loading eggdrop v1.6.3 (Wed Feb 26 2003)
[22:06] Listening at telnet port ***** (all)
[22:06] Module loaded: channels
[22:06] Module loaded: server
[22:06] Module loaded: ctcp
[22:06] Module loaded: irc
[22:06] Module loaded: console          (with lang support)
[22:06] Module loaded: blowfish
[22:06] Tcl error in file '1stbot.conf':
[22:06] invalid command name "::http::ncode"
    while executing
"::http::ncode $token"
    (procedure "i3h:make" line 24)
    invoked from within
    (file "scripts/usc2.tcl" line 54)
    invoked from within
"source scripts/usc2.tcl"
    (file "bot.conf" line 1368)
this is the tcl script.

Code: Select all

package require http 2.0

set i3h_html ""
set i3h_chan "#portal"
set i3h_text "#000000"
set access_code "password"
set time_out 5000
set maxupdate 60
bind join - "$i3h_chan %" i3h:make
bind kick - "$i3h_chan %" i3h:make
bind nick - "$i3h_chan %" i3h:make

proc i3h:make {args} {

  global i3h_html i3h_chan i3h_text server maxupdate access_code time_out
  set online [chanlist $i3h_chan]
  set count [llength $online]
  set users [lindex $online 0]
  set users "[nick2hand $users $i3h_chan]%20*%20$users"

  for {set i 1} {$i < $count} {incr i 1} {
     set user [lindex $online $i]
#   i3h_striphost {$user}
 set ch_text [getchanhost $user]
regsub -all \@.* $ch_text "" ch_text
regsub -all ~ $ch_text "" ch_text
     set users "$users%20[nick2hand $user]%20$ch_text%20$user"

set mainque "access=$access_code&users=$users"
catch [set token {::http::geturl $i3h_html -query $mainque -timeout $time_out}] token  
upvar #0 $token state
if {$state(status) != "ok"} {
putlog "Connection to server error: $state(status)"
} else {
set errnum [::http::ncode $token]
if {$errnum == 200} {
} else {
::http::code $token
putlog "Connection to server error: $state(http)"
::http::cleanup {$token}
if {[utimerexists ""] == ""} {utimer $maxupdate i3h:make}
  return 1

proc utimerexists {i3h:make} {
  foreach j [utimers] {if {[string compare [lindex $j 1] i3h:make] == 0} {return [lindex $j 2]}}


putlog "Sasq IRC nick list loaded."
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De Kus
Revered One
Posts: 1361
Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2002 11:41 am
Location: Germany


Post by De Kus »

this is a problem with old http tcl packages already handled in an older thread. here are some tips how to fix it: