Have any of U seen or heard of a furum script of some sort. So that U can have ann irc bot that says: NEW topic in Forum by Kimmi or something like that.
I cant make script so hoping there is a script kiddie out there that can
Kimmi wrote:Have any of U seen or heard of a furum script of some sort. So that U can have ann irc bot that says: NEW topic in Forum by Kimmi or something like that.
bind time - * furum
proc furum args {
foreach c [channels] {
if {[botonchan $c]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $c :NEW topic in Forum by Kimmi or something like that."
Kimmi wrote:Have heard of a Forum script?
What is this script supposed to do? Act like a forum on irc...to replace chatting?
There is no one single script to do this. It would have to be custom made for the particular forum you're running. And since you're obviously not running one I suggest you sort that out first
The best way to do this (IMO) is to have the script doing the saving of new posts (on the webserver) notify the bot. That way you get instant notification and you can use the same code no matter what the forum html looks like as long as it's still running the same scripting language.
Some boards also email mods/users on replies/new topics in areas you are 'watching'. With a bit of twiddling it should be possible for a script to check the mail for content (would be based on the board's config) and give a shout to whatever channel is needed. My idle time is short these days so I wont even attempt it - just a thought.