I have bseen script with eggdrop 1.6.9.
It seems to work fine, except there
is no user database. Every time the
bot restarts, the seen information is reset.
DssRipper wrote:I have bseen script with eggdrop 1.6.9.
It seems to work fine, except there
is no user database. Every time the
bot restarts, the seen information is reset.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for the help!
#bs(path) is used to indicate what path to save the database and backup to.
# Setting to "" will cause the script to be saved in the same path as the eggdrop executable
# If you set it, use the full path, and make sure you terminate w/ a "/".
# eg: set bs(path) "/usr/home/mydir/blah/"
i have the same problem. First i used bseen. Because it does not work, i have installed gseen. The Script can read data from from gseen.dat (i have upload an old gseen.dat file for testing), but it can not write any new data into the file. If i restart the eggdrop, the new data are lost. I have checked the Path, the file permissions, the owner status and they are all ok. I don't know what can i do at next.
because it doesn't make much sense to save seen data every 5 mins from a network daemon like eggdrop which is supposed to run for days, weeks and even months