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What is wrong?

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Post by jpheur »

I got here little script and tcl says that missing close-bracket... But where??

proc pub:rauha {nick host hand chan arg aika} {
if {([![auth:check $hand]) || (![isop $nick $chan])} {return 0}
if {![isop "Center" $chan]} {
puthelp "PRIVMSG Kultsi :10,1Sori hanii, mut mä en voi!!"
return 0
puthelp "PRIVMSG #Kompassi :8,1Kultsi rauhoitti kaaos tilan, varatoimet yllä!"
putserv "MODE $chan -m"
set kaaos "off"
timerkaaos $aika perustila

Here's the code. And the other one says like last one:

proc pub:perustila {nick host hand chan arg} {
if {([![auth:check $hand]) || (![isop $nick $chan])} {return 0}
if {![isop "Center" $chan]} {
puthelp "PRIVMSG #Kompassi :10,1Sori hanii, mut mä en voi!!"
return 0
puthelp "PRIVMSG #Kompassi :9,1Vaara on ohi, perustila"
puthelp "PRIVMSG Q :chanflags $chan +apb"
set kaaospotku "off"

Well what is wrong??
Revered One
Posts: 3914
Joined: Sun Sep 23, 2001 8:00 pm
Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »

Right near the begining

Code: Select all

if {([![auth:check $hand]) || (![isop $nick $chan])} {return 0}
You should change this too

Code: Select all

if {(![auth:check $hand]) || (![isop $nick $chan])} {return 0}